Monday, June 5, 2017

Men and Religion Are not The Problem...

The problem is extremist opinions that want to control others to be like them.  Whenever there are extremist who believe their way is the only "right" way, this will blind them to listening with openness to another's different point of view.  Unity would result if acceptance of different approaches to achieve the same goal were discussed.

Many people I love have been helped by religion.  Religion is not for me but many good, good, people love their religion.  I accept this.  Men are wonderful in their nature to protect and provide. This world would be total chaos without both female and male input.  Being the best friend with my husband has come from years of talking and understanding his viewpoint, which I have disagreed with many, many times, however he is a good man.  I accept him as he is and he is my biggest supporter.

Celebrities got to be celebrities because they broke the mold and went for the brass ring and got it!  I salute you and enjoy the talent you share with the world.  There is a line of civility and respect that average people hold that maintains a peaceful existence between us all. Celebrities would do well to consider this before inciting more violence and division with words, actions, or pictures.  Whenever I strongly disagree with another I have learned to look within to see what of this resides in me and how I can rid my mind of it to become more peaceful. If peace is to be, it begins with me.  Namaste.

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