Monday, June 26, 2017

Are you Doing What you LOVE to Do?

What you love to do is what you have a natural talent to do.  You are so good at doing it that you take it for granted when others tell you are gifted in this thing.  You take it for granted and think I'm not that special who would pay for this talent?  Or other people have done it better before me, another reason WHY NOT TO DO IT.

I have lived this in my life. I loved being a stay-at-home mother. I love my husband. I love to create original artwork.  I love to teach children art.  I love to write to perhaps prevent others from making the same mistakes I have made and I'm brave enough to share in writing without worrying about being judged.  How can I do this?  Because I truly love the human race and see good in everyone if I look closer.  I truly accept me with all my imperfections and that makes it easier to accept others with their imperfections.

I asked my mother once what our heritage is and she said on her side, "We have relatives that came to America on the Mayflower."  I asked Dad who we come from on his side and he answered, "I don't likely know but last I heard we were hatched down by the creek and crawled up here."  He was a jokester.  Never have had a reason to snub my nose at anyone, never understood others who do.  We are all one here and we are meant to live with passion and purpose doing what we love with love.

I write my blog for free because I love that anyone can access this information I have paid dearly to learn by financial and experimental means. Sixty years here, yes I have learned many, many things the hard way and now life is smoother than ever.  I want others to get here younger so they can enjoy their life sooner than I did.  Life is fun, the universe always has your back, and you will find your way to personal success if you are not afraid to step out and try. Try and keep trying until you succeed, you will if you never give up, and in truth sometimes you succeed even in spite of giving up.  😉

Doing what we love, getting paid for it IS living.

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles shared once again as a reminder by Sandy Gallagher of the Proctor/Gallagher Institute.  Great people those two, Bob Proctor and Sandy.

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