Monday, June 12, 2017

You Can Waste Decades Trying to Figure This Out Like I Did or Learn This Today, Always your Choice...

This world is full of religious righteousness, prejudices, racism, jealousies, greed, and class consciousness.  We all experience it at some point and we either despise it or become a part of it. Most of this is learned behavior but there is an element from DNA that makes us susceptible to the disease of the mind as well as the body.

Now it is our turn, our life, our mind, to change the harmful thoughts and fertilize the kind thoughts.

Here is what I know for sure, every thought that leads to an extremist long term hatred, extremist long term violence, extremist long term separation, extremist hateful action, that takes advantage of another's life or takes away their freedom to live and choose their peaceful life is the wrong path to follow. Even in the best of intentions. (This includes overly protective actions of well-meaning people)

This is your life.  You choose every waking moment what you think and then act on it. The thoughts that are kind would not harm or try to control another.  The thoughts that are confident make us able to listen to a differing thought from another without being persuaded to do harm.  We don't have to be alike in every way to live in peace.  We do have to zero in on what is peaceful and kind and promote more of that and less of the other.

There are many roads to the top of the same mountain.

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