Monday, June 19, 2017

Accept to Manifest is Foundational to Everything Great

How many times do we read stories of tragedies that turn to victories because the human started over from scratch whether it is a disability or an accident to go onto produce their greatest discovery? When will we who do not face dire obstacles stop making excuses that prevent the rest of us from being our best?

These people accepted that the situation was bad and decided to keep living.  They went through the physical therapy necessary.  They had to do things differently because they had no choice, might have lost a limb, an eye, etc.  But with that "no choice" they went beyond to discover another talent, another way to produce an invention, a piece of art, and achieved more than before.

You can find these stories everyday.  So many us without physical disabilities or mental illness or addictions have excuses not to tap into this higher self.  I am among these as well, I do have ADHD and suffered depression my entire life, but instead of letting it kill me, I leaned in to discover how to overcome or at least manage it without pharmaceuticals.

One thing I have learned for sure...first I accepted it.  I admitted there was something wrong with me, and then set out to manage it.  In order to do this I had to forgive people around me who unknowingly labeled me "lazy and stubborn." To call a child this is to make the child believe it. This creates a bad self-image to have to overcome as an adult.  Depression is rampant among ADHD.  I had to accept my weaknesses and find ways to compensate for each one.

In my early forties I was going deaf.  I had hearing aids in both ears by 45 and the audiologist told me I would be totally deaf in 6 years.  I accepted this.  I would laugh and tell people who felt sorry for me, "I've heard enough of others talking my entire life that silence would be welcomed."  I never felt sorry for myself. Later in my fifties a friend asked me to join her at a "laying on of the hands ceremony" with her. She had MS and wanted healing.  I told her I would go but did not really put much stock in the belief.  To my unbelief, after that ceremony, my hearing was restored 4 days later. I cannot explain it.  I am extremely happy to hear again.

Foundational belief I had was total acceptance.  I see this works. Complaining does not. Why me? mentality does not... Acceptance yes!

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