Saturday, June 10, 2017

Today May Be the Best Day of My Life

Who can say? How can I know? Today may be the last for all I know, so today may be the best day of my life.  Sweetheart and I studied some Bob Proctor principles of how to break a bad habit.  Good break down to simple steps, thank you Bob.  Ate breakfast, bought and delivered a flower to a sick friend.

Sent out cards to loved ones.  Replaced elastic cords on zero gravity lounge chairs, touched up with black paint, ready for summertime tanning. Cleaned out rock garden, well almost, came across a garden snake sleeping curled, so left that for another day, don't want to disturb the dear little thing.

Cleaned up garbage, the black bear is back.  Plucked weeds and trees out of walkways and on to the storage house to take up walkway to level and replace for a straight walkway. Listened to Ted Talk while working.

The talk today was a 61 y o writer who made a list of all the things she knows to be true.  Agree with most of them but have hesitation on a few religious restrictions she likes.  But it works for her and that is the touchstone of her peaceful mind.  She sounds like a dear person.

The walkways remind me of our third child, he laid them down for me with leftover bricks from another project. He is so clever, and the walkways are so nice.  I pause to rest and look out at the mountains over the river and thank the universe for a peaceful life.

My sweetheart and I walk up and down the driveway for a little exercise as we hold hands and think of the years we have loved one another.  We wish all couples could love each other and live in peace with each other.  It is a beautiful day, a simple day, today may be the best day of my life.

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