Friday, June 23, 2017

Earn My Freedom

Byron Katie has a website that anyone can download the worksheets and find videos of "How To" fill out the worksheets and relieve your mind of stressful thoughts.  She has an amazing life story that she shares throughout all her books. She was a successful real estate agent that never took a real estate course.  She was wealthy and had everything anyone would want in the USA. Fabulous house, family, personally wealthy, husband and children but she was desperately overweight and depressed.  She tells the story of how anything her mother wanted she bought for her yet she and her children were not invited to family reunions.

She says "the work" found her and because she was open to receiving help she put every thought down on paper and did the work to remove the stressful thoughts from her life.  She spent years putting every single negative thought on paper. Can you imagine this?  Every single negative thought, judgement, uncomfortable feeling, she dug as deep as any human can and because she saw what she did could heal anyone who did "the work" she went on to share her deliverance with the world for free.

Now the other unbelievable thing about Katie is that she had no previous religious teachings, study of the Tao Te Ching or any philosophy study yet she speaks the truth of all of these in her experience that is healing millions around the world today that do "the work."  She says there is no such thing as "enlightenment."  To say one is enlightened and another is not is to cause separation in the world and we are not separate.  The work brings everyone without exception to the realization that we are all the essence of kindness regardless of how confused we may act.  She explains that only a confused mind would ever harm another.

I have listened to her audio books dozens of times and will continue to do so because I learn more and more about me and my negative thoughts. I am working on clarity of thinking because I desire a sound mind.  I have come to see that until I have a sound mind, I will not have a sound body.  I have also learned that all the work I do to rid myself of negative thoughts about others is actually ridding me of negative thoughts about me.

So after studying her "work" for about 2 1/2 years I see that "defence which is the first act of war" belongs on paper.  All war belongs on paper for in writing it on paper I can begin to see the war inside of me.  To achieve inner peace does not mean you passively sit by and let harmful things happen to others or you, actually there are actions to take to put harm to an end.  The action I take, the action you take, may be different but it is the same result, to have world peace.  All war on paper. What a thought!  What an action!

I have met Byron Katie. She is the real deal.  I can have what she has but I have to earn this freedom.  I will do more and more worksheets.  I will have inner peace and I am willing to do the work to be free.  Are you ready to write down every negative thought, negative feeling you have about another person?  It is work, but I believe it is worth the freedom earned through the effort.

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