Tuesday, June 27, 2017

I'm Going to Miss this World When I'm Gone

Tonight sitting on the deck having a salad with my Sweetheart we looked into the deep woods of our backyard and saw a glimpse of white in the distance on a few trees where sunlight had creeped in. There to the left is that lone white birch tree my Sweetheart has loved looking at for so many years. Overhead there are trees that reach up a hundred feet in the cool evening air and to bend your neck back and just absorb all the beauty and fresh air is heavenly.

My best friend is next to me and we talk as always how loving and kind our children are and how loving and kind the mates they have chosen are.

Life is easy as we discuss how to grow our business. Today I listened to Gary Vaynerchuk read on audio book (Crush It) his ideas to develop a business and how much he loves teaching this.  He spoke of how much he and his father are thankful coming from communist Russia to here to have their dream come true.  To have the opportunity to build and own your own business (they love capitalism) is what coming to America meant for them.  They worked hard and they got it.

Grateful. Grateful to be here on earth, especially the USA.
Thankful to have family and children who love one another.
Happy to sit silently on a deck, breathe in cool, fresh air.
At peace having my Sweetheart by my side for this life.
Faithful to each other we sit together making plans.
Like we did 40 years ago.
Enjoying books and technology that connects us to the world beyond our woods.

Yes, I'm going to miss this world when I'm gone.

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