Thursday, June 15, 2017

Expect the Best and Prepare for the Worst

No one tells you this when you are growing up or did your parents tell you?  The world is striving to be the best and we sure applaud the winners.  All the athletes in the game of life are working their hardest but we all don't win so what are we?  Just human that's all.  It's so simple.  Yet we are afraid to just be, proving our worth to what? Think about it. I do every day.

I have driven myself to crazy and back trying to figure how to have inner peace. I went to church for years looking for inner peace but I did not find it there. Then one day I blew everything I ever believed about anything out of the water and started over. (Around 28 y o) I became open to learn new different things because the thoughts I was holding onto sure were not working to make me more peaceful. Confusion, anger, migraines, and stress I had it all.

Most of my crazy came from trying to make religious teachings from Christianity fit into reality. Religions judge people and every action outside of what is in writing as wrong.  It does not take many hours of studying the book before you see this. And I spent 14 years studying in depth until my eyes of understanding were open and I saw that God, the universe, never judges us evil, this is made up in the mind of superstition.

I am a non-fiction reader. I prefer reality and history over fictitious thinking.  Thank goodness! Science makes sense to me.  What if science and religious beliefs are the same thing?  No division. What if life is just as it is?  And when bad things happen, why not you and me?  Every one of us has bad things happen and good things happen. We use our critical thinking skills to decide how to handle each situation. Probably why Buddhism resonated more with me, it speaks plainly concerning human actions and consequences.  This I can understand.

Still when I could not figure some things out I accepted it is what it is and pretty much let it go.  In time answers came to me and I acted on these.  Now at 60 I can say, life is not normal, it is just life and we all are plugging through the best we can.  How different would my life have been if I had been taught as a child that life is wonderful, expect the best and prepare for the worst, it is a lovely ride.

No big surprises, just life, Relax all will come in due time, right on time. No more stress, it can kill you or at least make you sick and I don't need any of that, who does?  Grateful to say migraines are gone, anger much more controlled by me thanks to Byron Katie and the work she teaches. Learning more every day. Chillax...

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