Monday, June 5, 2017

Your Invisible Power

Is your ability to control your mind and the words you speak.  Here is a BIG tip, I learned, if you tend to be angered easily and you do not like the results of it.  Men typically yell and get loud, some women do too, or others get quiet and frustrated, thinking they have no power or think what's the use?

Both are victim personality traits.  When you take responsibility for your thoughts, actions, and words you can become peaceful.  You become in control and powerful, you can move mountains. You know when and what to speak.

A practice to get in control of your anger and emotions...

Easier to control yourself when you are elated, so control it.  Instead of jumping up and down, screaming with excitement, slow down.  You can be enthusiastic and happy without showing lots of demonstrative actions and sounds.  If you can slow down when you are excited, you can learn to slow down when you are frightened or angry.

Doubt it? Try it for 6 months to a year and see if you do become much more in control of your mind.

It works.  Accept good things happening as if it is expected every day of your life and when bad things happen you will not sink so low as to be depressed.  Your calm mind will be solution oriented and work to solve problems much faster. This takes work and I am working on it now.

More problems are solved in peaceful conversation. Anger and yelling does not solve anything, it festers resentment.  Let's move towards world peace. If it is to be, it must begin with me.  Namaste.

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