Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Short Term Anger is a Wake Up to Do Something Call

Yesterday I wrote about long term extremist thoughts being wrong. To clarify, I mean when any of us think we have "the only way" to a solution it becomes a place of anxiety and division.  This way may be the "only way for me" but it is not the only way to accomplish everything for everybody.  We all are so very different in our experiences and perspectives.

There is a way to unity. It is to understand short term anger is a call to take action to make things better if you think it is needed, but to hold on to anger over days, years, decades, is to destroy a mind.
We are not meant to fight and kill one another down here over a difference of race, religion, politics, or sex.  We are built to find the harmony among us and live it.

Well-meaning people that cause division, example: Someone may see a bad situation and see the exact opposite as being the answer but in truth.  That one way is a personal to the person, (And may possibly be the quickest way to remedy a bad situation) but to enforce that on everyone in the name of having the only right way is destructive in itself.  It causes arguments and division. The best way to be a positive influence on others is to live your truth and see if others want to join in. Education is key in this.

When others see you are happy and content, they notice.  If others see you living a stress free happy life you will be asked "How do you do it?"

Then and only then can you share your "How to..." and maybe, just maybe another will join you by their choice not by your force.

Recently a friend told me of a very well-meaning person trying to convince him of her way being the only way, the right way...but my friend said,"Take one look at her face and see the anger and rage in it, no thanks, I don't want what she's selling." (Which was enough for my friend, to not want to get involved with the cause.)

No one likes to be told what to do once we learn to think for our self as adults.

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