Sunday, June 11, 2017

If We are Not Careful We will Miss the Beauty

There is a view of the mountains out our back yard that is so serene that I make a point every day to stop and breathe it in.  I start most days when home, with a cup of tea and a sit in the yard to get peaceful before starting the day.

For years we have watched a tree with a branch that obstructed the view a little. Now 25 years later it can obstruct the view a bit more. We have planned for years to cut that branch off before it totally blocks out the mountains but we have not.

Today I sat out back watching a cat play with a mouse and asked my Sweetheart to come out and enjoy nature before he too moves on with his day.  He grabbed his coffee and joined me. Upon sitting he noticed the tree branch lowering its head even further and again said the same old thing. “We need to cut that branch off so we can see better.” 

Today I said, “We know Sweetheart that branch is in the way, but do you think we could look past that thought and just see the beauty here now? Could we not mention it every time we come out here until we cut it down?”

He replied, “You’re right.”

He translated this to mean, “You know this reminds me...we need to keep our eyes on the bigger picture of life, and not get caught up in a few branches in the way. We know they are there and when we can we will remove them but until then, enjoy the view.”

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