Tuesday, June 6, 2017

And When the Day Makes For Confusion Go into this Mode...

Today as I happily sang along to Stevie Nicks and enjoyed the ride in rainy weather thankful for the wonderful life I have I return to find a real problem at work that I have no control over or participation in and think...

We (Sweetheart and I) need our online business more than ever.  So I patiently wait, keeping a positive outlook as I continue to build the business of our dreams.  Write another blog and work on my first book, knowing all is well, all will be well, and patience is key to the outcome.

Sending white light of healing to all involved helps me keep thoughts in line with kindness.  Yes the mind has a tendency to go to the negative and so I study www.thework.com with Byron Katie as I drive.  Watch nature videos, remembering to stay grateful.

Reminding myself, "Do not get caught up in the web others weave to make life less than fun. How? Control my own thoughts and the mode is "Grateful."

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