Saturday, September 23, 2017

Another Day in Paradise

Benefits of war according to Edward VIII the king that abdicated his throne for an American divorcee Wallis Simpson states, 1. Medical sciences 2. Aviation. Interesting view from a former monarch. I guess there are benefits of war but I never really thought about it until I heard him say this in a n interview today. (Posthumously of course) He also stated his father told him, "Royalty never speak of politics."  Since childhood I have heard in school that parliament really runs England that the "Royal Family" is only a figurehead for the people. Why do British need a figurehead? Another brainwashing of their people since birth like all unnecessary traditions.

Why do these people persist to exist?  Isn't the world evolving enough to see there is no such thing as royal blood?  We are all of the same blood. There is no need for these figureheads yet I hear of a few USA citizens who get caught up in an admiration of them. The traditions of their parades and self promotion are fun to watch like a parade at Disney but other than this, of no interest to most Americans.

So thankful that ship did not make it to England in time to stop the British American war. Otherwise we would not be free of that ridiculous division between government and its subjects.  There are no commoners here for sure, we citizens of the world are all as royal as they come. Immigrants and people all over the world are royal.  Even in England there are no commoners unless they believe it about themselves. What a thought! You are royal. Now how will you live life tomorrow knowing we are all royal?

No one above you, no one below you, just us. So you will live no different tomorrow?  Me neither, just another day in paradise. Royal life rocks here in the USA.

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