Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Talk About One Hand Not Knowing What the Other Hand is Doing!

I stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few items and I see Lays Potato chips in a plastic container like Pringles.  (I never liked Pringles) Then I remember a friend at work said these were hard to find and she loves them. So I buy two, one for her and one for us to try.  On the way home I open the canister and thought, "I'll just eat one, I'm going home for a salad lunch, yum!"

So I'm driving with my left hand and reaching into the canister of Lays with my right.  After one crunch, I say to myself. "These are good I'll just have a couple more."  Traffic is more than I expected and pop two more chips in my mouth as I move to the intersection to stop at a stop sign. Stop, wait 3 seconds, turn on signal take right.  Good.

Now I'm driving with my left hand thinking about the things I need to do when I get home, cat is going to the vet tomorrow, I have to find rabies papers to update, fixing dinner later, what will I make?  And I notice my right hand was creeping into the Lays canister for yet two more chips, before I can stop that hand the hand quickly puts two more chips in my mouth.  I say,"Wait a minute, wait a minute, you have not had lunch you are not filling up on these chips, stop it!"  I put the lid on the canister and tuck it between the seats, a bit farther out of my reach. Enough for today, save for another day.

Now I move into a road that is about 10 minutes from my house and the phone rings. I have hands free bluetooth and I answer. It is my sweetheart and he is telling about his day and what he doing the rest of the day and what time he will be home.  I look down and that darn right hand is at it again!  While I was not looking my right hand reached that Lays canister, with the flick of a thumb silently popped that top off and was cramming more Lays chips in my mouth without me noticing. By the time I arrived home I noticed the crumbs in my lap and the canister empty!

"Look what you've done! Bad right hand, bad right hand! I can't take my eyes off you for one minute without you getting into trouble.  What am I going to do with you?"  You know I wanted to share those with Sweetheart...

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