Saturday, September 2, 2017

Another Person Condemns Wealth without Knowing...

As I rode on the shuttle bus to Kykuit I sat beside a retired Art gallery manager that lives in NYC. He was friendly and we struck up a mutual conversation.  In our talks he brought up Jeff Bezos becoming the richest man in the world.  I, who no longer has cablevision and chooses not to listen to the news was not aware.  He does not know the man personally but is already worried and judging the guy as not doing enough for mankind by spreading his wealth.

I cannot believe how as soon as someone acquires the title of "richest," average income persons go into judging wealth as bad if he does not give it away now.  This one topic is a live wire in this world. So I commented, "We have to wait and see how he decides to diversify his wealth.  Bill Gates and Warren Buffett decided in later life after making the money to give it away.  Maybe Jeff needs to keep multiplying his money to make a lot more while he young and when he decides, he will become philanthropic."

The retiree said. "Let's hope."

Me: Really? We need to concern our thoughts with what somebody else is doing with money we have not found a way to make?  Good grief... I got a life to live machacha. Moving on.

Sweetheart found this did I know this without reading this article?  Because I believe in the goodness of wealthy people.

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