Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Results Without Believing

Believe and you will have, believe and you draw everything to you the good and the bad, believe and it will move mountains, do not believe and suffer the consequences.

I have had enough of this hocus pocus pressure to live life and be prosperous or miss out. I have lived it, I have blamed myself when I was believing for something good and the bad happened anyway.  No more!  I cannot/will not believe life is this hard to live in peace with myself and every other human on the planet.

Experience has taught me whether I liked it or not: "Sh*t happens." Sh*t I had NOTHING TO DO WITH!  Governmental decisions I had no input in, job crisis, company closed, bankruptcy, genetic diseases, war declared on another country, friends (I thought were friends) believing untrue gossip about me, drunk driver hits and kills a friend (Or their son or daughter) reckless driving kills a biker, a bully snipes in passing with hurtful words, an unknown shooter kills innocent bystanders, assassinations of persons who think and live different, someone steals from you, someone physically/sexually harms you, the list is endless and you and I did not make this happen by our belief or unbelief. This is out of our control.

And this is very paramount, if someone has done something physically/sexually harmful to you, it is not your believing that caused it, most times it is your innocence to the fact that it could happen to you by a very mentally unstable person.  Once the incident is over, do not look back, do not relive it, it will only prevent you from moving on…Get away from the situation and person asap. The past does not define your future.

Where did most of us learn we are responsible for things OUT OF OUR CONTROL? Where did you learn it? I learn to fear this life from religious teachings learned in church and actions of my family/relatives, society, our puritan culture, male dominated and female submissiveness teachings…I learned this at home. 

Negative words and beliefs create more fear in a child's mind than adults know. I had to get away from such negative expressions and negative opinions expressed daily to find peace in my mind and my life. I had to reprogram my thoughts for thankfulness and positive actions. It took years to overcome and learn to control the only thing I have control of, my thoughts and actions. It took only a moment to forgive others and look to myself for guidance to move on.

Which brings me to this wonderful realization that works for all, it is so comforting to stop worrying about things out of my control. How? By controlling my thoughts.  Live every day with gratefulness for what I have and plans to have more as opportunities arise and the opportunities will arrive if I am patient and look for these that keep moving me in the direction of my dreams. Once opportunity comes, I walked through that door, I did not hesitate, and I wanted a different life.  The old adage "Opportunity only knocks once is hogwash!"  Many opportunities will come to you at different times in your life, just because this one did not work out or interest you at the time, another will come.  

Keep moving and if I walk through the wrong door, I patiently walk back out and learn lessons about the wrong door.  We all learn from our mistakes it is one of our best teachers. 

How do I know? Because I have seen, in this big world there are more good people than bad and in this big world there are more creative ideas in each of us than we know if we just dare to ask our self to think! 

No believing is required, just a thankful attitude, positive actions.  Open yourself to get yourself in a position to be better and do better, and keep moving. It will absolutely happen, no believing required.

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