Saturday, September 30, 2017

Ok, If you want to Spin it in your Favor...whatever...

President Trump is not doing enough, Obama left him with a mess, no one cares about who is pregnant, North Korea is planning to bomb us, Nicole Kidman's marriage is on the rocks, Chelsea Handler is adopting a North Korean baby, Channing Tatum is leaving his wife for Halle Berry, Katy Perry is really an alien, and the media has another hey day.  Spin, spin, spin it.  The media not only spins it but is telling outright lies at every angle to stir the youth of America up that depend solely on what the media feeds them.

So sad this generation has yet to learn to think for themselves and give elected officials the benefit of their doubt. This country is still the one all immigrants want to come to, it cannot be as bad as the youth of today think it is. Still I am glad the youth have a heart and care about everyone however hard decisions need to be made at a government level and none of us have access to the real facts or figures, we cannot, we are not privy to the costs of every effort.

Resorting to name calling, and violence is not solving anything. Generations before have tried it to no avail.  Even if the cause is good, or right, there is more productive solutions when everyone works together, no one has to be completely right all the time. Ego maintains this and will cause division every time.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive." ~ Sir Walter Scott

It is only true if you believe it. What do I believe? That I am right about my conversation with Sweetheart. He did not call as I predicted.  Last night I asked if he had read my blog, his response was, "Too busy. Why?"

He read it and says,"Ok, if that is the way you want to spin it, whatever." 

Me: "What do you mean?"

He: "You did not tell me it would be backwards, if you had I would have listened."

Me: "I did, you were not listening..."

Now do I hold tight to my belief that will put me at odds with him or realize I may have been mistaken, and give him the benefit of the doubt?  (After all I am human, I make mistakes too.)

Me, remembering Byron Katie's teaching, "Defense is first act of war."

I do not want to war with this man who does so much for me, remember the wildflower bouquet and dishes washed?  Is this something I let go for now but bitterly file away for future arguments?  No. This is not worth fighting about, neither is the toilet paper roll not being changed, or the toilet seat left up, or the toothpaste top not being put back on...

Think about a lifetime. Think about a lifetime living in peace with someone else.  How about me giving him the positive spin?  How about me giving him the benefit of any doubt and let it go?

Pick my battles, this is NOT one worth it.  Do you want to live forever in opposition of a good thought?  Or would you like to love that one person and live happy?  I choose him and being happy. 

This morning he leaves the house saying, "That was a lucky day I married you." We spent the morning speaking of things we knew as a child, the old black typewriter we use to type out school reports on, then came dot matrix computers, the noise these made with the amber colored letters on a black background, then the green letters on a black background, and how grateful we were when we were able to see black letters on a white background...

In reality, for better or worse, I love him so.

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