Sunday, September 10, 2017

Is Prayer Dangerous?

When I was growing up I was always taught in church that if you have a problem, "Pray about it." When I would pray and things did not get better I was told, "God works in mysterious ways."  And when this did not suffice for me, "Maybe the answer from God is NO."

This problem with this kind of thinking is no one in the five senses, including me has any power to change anything.  It took becoming an adult and marrying into a Godless family that was educated, wealthy, and thought so highly of themselves and the hurtful things they did to others as being alright, for me to see how powerless I can be, and how abused I would be unless I took my own power back and spoke up for myself. I did. His family did not like it.

I also learned that prayer can be dangerous if I wanted for others to change for me to be accepted and loved by them.  To think anyone needed to change BUT me was insane. So a sidebar to all praying...make sure if you pray, also completely, and this is very important, completely give up any hope of others changing to be a God -fearing individual like you and me, and for them to do the right thing by you.

You could end up like many men and women I've seen, on your knees in prayer, your entire life goes by without ever really living the life you dream about.

Everyone has the right to live a life of peace, pursuing their dreams, men and women. Make the life you want, stand up for yourself.

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