Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Stating Facts is Not the Same as Being Unthankful...

Growing up in a religious household often a valid concern or complaint was stopped because Mom thought I was unthankful or judging.  Realities of life troubles were swept under the invisible carpet and I was expected to act as if everything was perfect when it was not.

This kind of thinking makes a child doubt reality.  When actions of others hurt feelings of a child, or in reality are bad, it has to be openly discussed and remedied if possible. Communication and teaching a child how to understand there are hard, bad, times in life, as opposed to acting as if nothing happened or changing the subject mid conversation will make anyone crazy.

"Prince of Tides" movie expresses this in clear terms with an extreme situation but the lesser acts are as harmful if not discussed openly.  In our house, nothing was discussed, nothing was ever wrong, no one was allowed to complain out loud or have a hurt feeling. "If you have nothing good to say, say nothing" is poisonous to a young mind that is learning and downloading information at lightning speed every minute of the day.  

Telling facts as they are, good and bad help to discover the world around us and how to respond positively instead of react.

Makes me wonder how our parents were raised?

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