Monday, September 11, 2017

What if you Really Believed You Were Needed Here?

What if, just stay with me here, you were created not to follow everyone else in opinion and views but to add something brand new, a new viewpoint, a new expression of things already said?

If we believe we have a drop of universal knowledge (or the divine, if you are religious) just by our very presence in this body, then if we access it, we must, we can, create a brand new thought, a brand new expression of the universal knowledge. The ability is here, now, in each of us, but how do we access it?

If we knew for sure we were here and our expression would make the world a better place, would we focus on doing this instead of destroying the earth or trying to destroy others?

It seems we would expand the universe with new knowledge that could only be communicated through each of us as we know the world.  If and only if we begin with the basic belief of "do no harm to self or others" could we expand the intelligence of the world by looking within. A peaceful mind, a peaceful world begins with me.

Since the beginning of time, whether you believe in the Garden of Eden or evolution, it seems we have been experts at becoming afraid of life's challenges, afraid of other people's opinions of us, afraid if things are not always the same, that life will fall apart... afraid we are not enough to overcome obstacles in our way.

It is easy to look at a person who has nothing and think, "Yeah, they are really nothing, look at them, look where they come from," but the flipside of this is the person who looks like they have everything  but they hide themselves behind titles, diplomas, position in life, materialism, and money, whether earned or inherited.  Inside they know they are afraid but outside no one sees it because they look secure, successful.

So it makes sense to me that the only way to overcome thousands of years of fear inbred into humankind, generation to generation, is to become free of preexisting thoughts, cruel judgements of others, traditions, etc. to see beyond our own fear and give ourself permission to think a new thought. Try it on and see how free we can be, how happy we can be, how we can set others free by thinking a new thought that expresses itself in our own creative expresion and sharing it with the world.

Being grateful everyday and learning to spend a few moments in silence while awake each morning, brings a renewed mind of ideas to express.  Wow, what if we really believed we were needed here?

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