Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Eternity is the Past...What?

A very wise older woman friend visited me yesterday.  In our conversation about life and marriage, she mentioned "All eternity is in the past."  A minister told her this and it is a curious thought.  I looked up what a preacher would say about this expression to ponder.  According to one, eternity is everything before God in Genesis "spoke into being this world."  No one knows how much time past before this world was created only God. Evidently time as we know it did not exist until the creation of the world in Genesis began.

That is far fetched thinking and maybe it is true.

I thought about it in this light...Eternity only exist in the past because we only know life as it happened to us in the past.  The future is uncertain.  We cannot know when natural disasters come and how it will affect us personally until it does.  We cannot control circumstances and other people, only the way we respond.

So in this way we may live in the past, fearing, worrying, that the future may not be better and that is a waste of the present moment.  To lift up your head and believe things will always get better is a strength of core values and character.  There can be an eternal wellspring of goodness and happy days to look forward to even though the future is unwritten if we believe it.

Control emotions, control negative opinions, control mind through meditation and good works. Still what do you think this means?  Not sure just asking...

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