Tuesday, September 19, 2017

If You're Going to Be a Writer...

You have to be able to speak from the heart.  In truth I never wanted to write publicly about anything but I have known since I was a teenager I would someday write a book.  Over the years I have told myself, "You? Write a book?  Why?"  But I always was encouraged to write by family and friends because of the unusual journey I have had to get to the sunny side of life.

Traditional religions that excuse bad behavior of others, prohibit equal authority of one's own life, and the fear of speaking plainly about real issues that are destroying people's lives was never for me. I had to let go of so much wrong thinking caused by closed minds and religion, then rebuild my life, rebuild my mind. When I forgive, it is true and sure.

Forty years with my Sweetheart and he also overcoming so much internal mental damage from his childhood even today we talk.  Most people don't share their victories over dark times in their lives, and that is too bad because so many could learn from the experiences and the remedies we found. None work for everyone this is not a one size fits all life so I write.

I actually went to a prayer meeting a couple of years ago with a friend and a minister had a message for me from God he said,"Keep on the path you are going for by your hands many will be healed."

My hands are writing...my healing may be from my story. One thing for absolutely sure, I am a victor of my life, I am not in mental confusion or frustration anymore. Those days are gone. Maybe my writing will help to heal someone, give them a lantern in the darkest hours of their mind...and so I write.

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