Sunday, September 24, 2017

Good Food, Good Friends, Good Times, That is all we want...

A couple we admire so much because we know their struggles to come to America and how they waited four years to become legal citizens and are so happy to be an American has an 8 year old that is darling.  It is so hectic for them to get free with both of them working, saving for a house in the USA, and keeping up with that little guy's school schedule.  We understand. We raise three and between sports and school there is no time. It was so good t have them over today for lunch. These folks are the happiest, most thankful, folks we know. They LOVE the USA.

I asked them what did they think about President Trump?  They said, "It does not matter to them who is president, they are free here."  They also said, "We obey the laws and we are legal citizens but if Trump ask us to leave we pack up and go, no problem."  I told them, "You pack up and come over here. We know our right and yours. You are not leaving America unless you want to." They said, "Thank you so very much."

They are finally working better jobs and they cannot believe all the money that the government takes for taxes.  I said, "Welcome to America! You are officially an American, you are complaining about the taxes and the illegal immigrants."

We will help them find their first house, and when they are settled in, we will smile knowing how good it is to have a home and a back yard for your son to grow up in. A home in America, that is all they want now, they love this country and they love their American friends and we love them.

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