Thursday, September 21, 2017

Artists that Get Creative on Drugs

Recently I watched the Netflix documentary on The rock group "The Eagles."  The group came out with hit after hit, year after year, definitely not a one hit wonder.  Amazing as this group is, I never imagined how many #1 hits were discovered in a drugged state of mind.  Also being a southern small town lady of little worldly experience, I am so astounded at how these artists can perform entire concerts night after night stoned out of their minds? Do they need drugs to get in the creative space?

This work ethic has to be of another world.  Most of us can't make it to work if we stayed out late the night before, I can't imagine doing drugs, booze, and partying all night and being able to perform on stage before a live audience.  This kind of natural musical gift is beyond average human ability to my way of thinking.

I am an artist.  I create best when completely sober, in a peaceful state of mind with music and organization in my work space.  If I drink a cup of wine I have to sit down and laugh, maybe sleep for a while then I can get moving again...but no guarantee any art will be produced this night.

Artists like these live fast and live somewhat stressful lives. Drugs to get up, drugs to sleep, drugs to create, a life of pharmaceuticals never is for me.  No surprise they overdose accidentally at times, and sometimes die as a result.

So to know this is how some artists stay on schedule in itself is mind blowing to me.  I for one am too attached to being in control of my own mind to ever succumb to drugs.  But my God I love artists and their finest works. Eagles band members even admitted they did their best work on drugs. That is NOT a poster for quitting drugs or becoming sober. To each his own.

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