Monday, September 25, 2017

People who have Made it, Seem to Think the Others Can't

Listening to celebrities make their speeches I'm hearing of all the things they worry about for other people who have not made the "millionaire" status or fame they achieved.  Their worry is so emotionally driven that I think they maybe feel guilty for having it all while others do not. These folks need to focus on living a life of service to others and use their money for good if they really want to help. I for one am thankful they entertain and share this gift so I can enjoy it too. I think it is wonderful they are living their dream.  That is what is great about this country, you can rise from nothing to your name on a marquee.

Maybe using their angry voice got them to where they are and that is why they believe have to speak on behalf of those they fear cannot speak?  Why do these celebrities get so angry at businesses that are profitable over and over to acquire more millions than they?  I think maybe they have big hearts and want to help but don't really know how, so they condemn the wealthy as if all of them do not care about anything but money.

Many wealthy people give so much to research, foundations, and charities they support but civilians do not know about it.  (Why? They do not need to toot their horn about their philanthropic donations) Entertainers and some politicians, think of another award show they can host to present themselves with another award, another star on the walkway of fame, another monument for proof they were here. The rest of us get a gravestone if we are not cremated.

All teachers and medical field workers, some doctors/lawyers included have to work more than investment bankers and entertainers but get paid less.  Entertainers, NFL, NBL, fighters in the ring of sports, all get paid more than doctors, but these entertainers do not get targeted by academic scholars for their earnings and lack of spreading their wealth to all the poor.  These pro athletes did not pay money to get an education to get a license to practice medicine or law. They did not spend hours upon hours learning how to study books of previous opinions (Learning things necessary to get that degree but not something they would choose to study everyday). Why? To hopefully diagnose a sickness and prescribe a cure if there is one.

Athletes and entertainers practice everyday to do something they loved.  And when these entertainers had perfected their craft, they sought opportunities to showcase their talent and get paid.
I don't hear billionaires sniping at the money or success of athletes and entertainers ever.  These billionaires may even enjoy a Broadway show, a sports event, or buy a CD once in awhile, I can't say.
My point is not everyone wants to be famous or a millionaire. (I once heard a MLM Diamond tell her husband everyone wants to be rich.) From her perspective, she knows what everyone wants. No she does not.

Many people will be happy to be able to have a home and enough income to eat, feed and clothe their family, enjoy a few vacations in their life, and live in peace.  To feel the need to protest that everyday people need to be given everything by this government is to think everyone is not living life on their terms.  To think this is to think that the hard work entertainers and billionaires put in, to learn their profession is not something others can do if they so choose.

Now I'm not talking about mentally challenged individuals or children. I'm talking about the motivation inside each of us will always be based on our level of comfort. When anyone gets uncomfortable enough, change will happen, you cannot stop a person determined to change from within.  That is where real change happens, this is where it has to happen for without an inside decision to change the motivation and the work ethic will not arise. No government can do it for any one person.

I for one, instead of worrying about the bank account of anyone else but myself, would rather focus on signing petitions into laws that protect women, men, and children from harm.  Domestic violence, and sexual offenders have a repeat rate that is too high, proving the sentence is not stiff enough to stop the cycle.  What can we do? Focus on doing what we do best, what we love to do, and know others will do the same.  Change will come for all in time.

If we are to have peace we must have order, we must have laws in a civil country to protect women, men, children, and legal citizens. Money does not fix everything long term, at best money is an extremely temporary fix.

Real change comes from a positive mindset and a good work ethic. No government or any amount of money can give that to anyone and it does not need to.  It is built into us IF we choose to access it within and change.  Reading books of interest helps shed light on the thoughts and lead you in the right direction.

I love people.  I know so many stories of everyday people and their happiness and they are not living the high life of fame, fortune, or luxury, they have found happiness. Namaste.

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