Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Generational Damage Has been done to Many

If you look back at generations of men and women all over the world there are definitely societies that are more evolved in the equality of the men and women.  The western society has evolved more on the average for "average citizens" than the eastern world.  When you have religions that will not allow women to be the head of it, or cultures who see women as weak and unable to make reasonable and good decisions there is as unequal respect for the female. It happens everyday, even in America.

Our Western society may have a long way to go to feminine idealists here in North America but we are a lot farther along than European countries, the Middle East and India. When cultures and religions dictate what women must wear and what they are allowed to do, the women are not free.

This old generational thinking has trickled down to modern women today.  I believe it is why women do not use their voice, they think they have no power, no one will listen, least of all the men.  Males have huge egos and many times wield their education, money, sex, and position over women to silence them.

Women who feel resentment, bitterness, anger, use angry voices and ultimatums to men, this is not equality for the sexes either. The thing that bothers me the most is women who act like men and do the same to threaten other women and men.  Happiness, unity, peaceful relationships, happen when both are respected equally. How do we get there?

A woman can have a greater effect in a firm but kind stand on any subject with the ability to listen to reason and compromise when necessary to unify. The balance will be restored in time, it is coming.  I do not think it will happen in one or two lifetimes but it is coming... beginning in the land of the free, Canada and the good old USA have a really good start.

Governments have to be stopped from so many laws that prevent individual choices but allow women and children to go unprotected from predators.

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