Monday, September 18, 2017

So Nice to Have A Supportive Family

Once again reading about an actress who experienced postpartum depression and had the help of a doctor with meds and a therapist to get through it, she had a very positive outcome after 2 years of therapy. I see a supportive spouse and family was present. Thankful for her family and her asking for help and actually getting help from everyone around her.

A supportive family, a positive parent, a good doctor/therapist gives any mental illness in a person a chance to calm down.  A chance for a life to be normal somewhat.  Sounds silly but simple: Kindness and nurturing support from family helps everything and everyone in every situation.

Authoritarian households do not teach children kindness and love. If parents and families do not give emotional support it is because they do not know how. It was not given to them earlier in life either.

When you come from mentally ill people, nurturing is not their forte.  You have to nurture yourself and hopefully ask for help you need so you will not hurt others too. If you do not get help you will have toxic relationships either by your own causing or deciding to be someone that is abusive to you.

It took me years to understand why some people do not believe a person is actually kind and wants the best for another. I have been accused of being a fraud in this area by family members as well.

I tell you a truth I now know for sure... it is because the person has NEVER known a person, a family member, to be positive and supportive of him/her.  This is very sad.  You believe your experiences more than you believe your eyes and ears.

I went for therapy in my twenties to help myself get over childhood damage and I have been the better for it.  When I told my family I went for therapy and I was better and I wanted to talk over some matters with my parents, only my father listened privately to me and wanted to help.  My mother told me, "Crazy does not run on my side of the family, you got that from your father. Do not tell anyone you are seeing a psychiatrist and embarrass me."

So I worked out some things with my Dad and to honor my mother's wishes I never told anyone else about my therapy.

Wonder who is crazy?

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