Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Insanity Of Intellectuals Can Cause Harm

Harvard is known for being one of the Ivy League of colleges for its "ground breaking" research and intellectuals it produces from the wealthiest of families among us.  Yet if you look closer, at some of its products you can see good and bad.  Many doctors/lawyers of any subject make discoveries and write books, go on to make millions of dollars in their profession and politics.  Average income people say, "She/He must be right look how rich they are, and they went to Harvard!"

And like many people with money, many Harvard grads (intellectuals) can lose touch with reality and live a seemingly successful life because of the foundations they found, the lifestyle they live. The rest of us, average people have no clue to the insanity and complex situations these so called "intellectuals" have to navigate because of bad choices.

Read, read, read books of people of note and you get an inside look.  I would not want to live the life of Timothy Leary or Richard Alpert to get the notoriety of either.  These two guys walked through hell by the choices they made and their lifestyles did much damage to themselves, their careers, their families' embarrassment of them, the children, the wives, and other people that loved them. At one point in their lives they were handing out drugs to the public for everyone to have the psychedelic experience to spiritual enlightenment. Harvard funded the drugs for Leary's tests on graduate students before LSD was illegal. (Leary was a hetersexual Irish Catholic, Alpert a homosexual Jew) Both looking for more understanding of life.  Aren't we all?

Eventually out of control Leary ended up getting fired, his friend Alpert left because of his friend's dismissal, and Leary ended up in jail as well as in front of congress. How many average people do jail time and can say they spoke in front of congress?  Bold personality Leary has.  As most bold victims, his extremist ideas led him to believing violence is the answer.

In Timothy Leary's case, women are left behind with raising children and living a life of everyday activities to maintain a home for the children.  Of course the men go hopping off to another adventure, another country, another woman gets dazzled by their rebellious personalities and radical ideas only to find after they hook up with these men driven by narcissistic endeavors, are eventually left behind too.

Two complicated, convoluted lives that average people would never choose to live.  Mental illness set in and people were the groupies of this insane leader. (So important to learn to think for yourself) Jail time, escaping to other countries, getting into jails in other countries, choosing to leave everyone in search of enlightenment.

Confusion seemed to dissipate after Leary's stint in solitary confinement for 2 1/2 years and Alpert's confusion ended after he moved to India, found a guru and changed his name to Ram Dass.  Leary is dead now.  Ram Dass is asking for donations to live out his life in Maui. (Where is the rich family he was born into when he needs them?) Ram Dass wrote books on spiritual enlightenment and taught for years, I have met people who  love him and his teachings. I have read some of his work and do not find him enlightening for me, I prefer more positive, peaceful speakers who lived lives of so much less confusion and violence.

I spoke with Sweetheart of his thoughts about this and he pointed out, many times egotistic individuals can lose touch with reality and go insane, however it is just this cutting edge narcissistic arrogance that can make giant breakthroughs in science and inventions, but in the progress can be very damaging to self and others.

Sometimes I'm glad I have a stubborn streak and core values that love unity, peace, children, and people. Me take drugs?  I would not drink Kool-Aid at Waco, and I was raised on that refreshing drink.

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