Friday, September 1, 2017

Why we have employee mentality instead of living a visionary life...

Discussing the Kykuit and the family with my Sweetheart, I said these people, these visionaries, worked from the moment they awakened to the moment they "had" to sleep. Their basic needs were supplied every day of their life, no question, their safety was assured, belonging, love and fun activities came from parents and home, esteem (I can do attitude) was surely there if you count their foundations, and political seats accomplished, and when these basics are lived and taught daily by your parents you have a much better chance of self-fulfillment and living your creative ideas, because you have watched your own parents do it.  You expect you will do well too.

Most parents today are spending the majority of the time trying to learn how to pay the bills, maintain employment, status, feel good about themselves after a divorce or business failure, etc., keep the lights on, food on the table, (two parents work for these comforts more than spending time with their children) and rarely do we get to put into action our creative activities to serve the world.  I get it, we are not the Rockefellers, but I observe...

It does take money to have basic needs met and the knowledge how to make more money, multiply it, and one observation I see in all of these visionaries is they own their own business, maybe more than one to diversify the monies at some point. It may be we need to open our creative minds and create our own business to begin to learn what it is to be free here in USA.

Employee mentality does not make a person free from servitude tasks.  To be a visionary one must be free to think and create and that is much easier when you have basic needs met, a good income, and networking contacts in every field. Working as an employee for others does not obtain this individual monetary success we all claim to want but are too stagnant, comfortable, or maybe scared to give up, to create.

Today with the internet connecting us with the entire world there has to be a way for us all to supplement our income or make our entire income from an online business. It has to be, when we get our creative juices flowing there has to be a way.

It seems to me that good intimate relationships, and true friendship throughout your life enables everyone to focus on inner peace, fidelity, and happiness once you get to the top of Maslow's triangle.

I'm just rambling and thinking out loud... what do you observe in the lives of people you admire the most?

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