Saturday, September 9, 2017

One Heart, One Energy

What is it about the sound of a crackling fire, a creek flowing over rocks, the wind blowing in the trees, a bird's song, a light snow on a dark night, seeing a brook by a road, being moved by the sight of mountains in the distance, listening to insects' cheeping, chirping at night fall, seeing a snake, animal, living wild and free, the smell after a rain, enjoying the calm after a storm, yet standing in amazement at the sound of thunder and the beautiful flashing of lightening, that makes me want to get closer, closer, and sometimes disappear in it?

I have shed many a tear of joy at the silent snowfall at night, noticing the blue shadows on snow covered grounds under a full moon while walking in nature.

Then I go out to work and see the people that want more, more, more, fame, more money, more prestige, more titles, more attention from people, we focus less on what each of us has right now living this life on this planet. Unhappiness is their demeanor, angry competition, and cynicism is their words written on their face until I smile at them... they smile back and I know all is well, all will be well, and we are one in blood.

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