Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Change Everything When You Change One Thing

Everyday we think about 60,000 thought, 95% of these are the same thoughts we thought yesterday.  If you think fearful thoughts about life outside of you, and you think these negatives again and again, you start to believe there is no way out. 

When it comes to you personally, if there is something you do or say that hurts another, you can change that. Instead of being afraid to apologize, don't choose denial of your part in any hurtful situation, admit you may be mistaken and ask forgiveness. Family is the important thing, be kind to one another and mend the relationship. 

What if, just maybe, we change our focus, not in denial, but practice positive thinking about those fearful situations? Truth is the situation changes because there is a new way of looking at it. Looking for the positive brings new ideas and positive change.  Recycled negative thoughts brings more and more fear of the same.  We can choose to focus on the good until time passes.  Only time reveals what will happen, worry has no purpose. 

Life is too short to figure out the world's problems, in fact no "one" has the answers.  Each only has a one point of view, your own, make sure it is a positive view, this "ONE" thing can change your world.  Thankful to see this and practice it. 

Choose your positive teacher, mine are Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie Mitchell of
www.the work .com.  Turn off the TV and social media, learn to think for yourself.  😌

Image result for recycle good thoughts

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