Friday, July 13, 2018

How Do We See the Creator?

This is a story I have experienced throughout my life and one that had I not experienced it I would not believe it.  In times of my confusion and total inability to see what is going on in the five senses world I have turned to an unseen power, a sixth sense that everyone has but it seems females tune in to see the full colored picture answers unknown to the five senses more often than males. In studying why this happens more with women than men I offer this theory, "men and women" who are not totally blinded by inflated egos, the five senses and their worldly achievements, have an ability to see the unseen in times of need. To receive answers from beyond human comprehension. My experience, women are more sensitive to this.

These women know that self-understanding goes only so far, that it has limitations, and to truly have control of your own mind at times we need to turn to a greater power and that power is known as God, The Great Spirit in the Sky, Allah, the all-knowing creator of the Universe.  When men in their egos define a God they give it male perspective characteristics, when women in their egos define God they give it female characteristics, it is perceived from the mind. These characteristics can be both peaceful and deadly depending on the mind of the person explaining it. Most of what all of us are believing about any Creative Spirit is taught us by our culture.

If the culture is warlike, the teachings are the Creator wants war and death to all that think and act differently from us.  If the culture is peaceful we believe all love and peace is the answer to handle everything. The problem arises when these very different beliefs collide.  You cannot deal the same with two polar opposites of belief. Indeed there cannot be world peace when trying to allow warlike beliefs and cultures to have the same freedom as peaceful people.  These destructive behaviors have to be stopped or much harm comes to innocent people.

This is the dilemma to humans.  The only way to stop violence on earth is by the strong arm of the law. It is how civilization was established.  The problem arises when lawmakers take away the individual freedom of peaceful individuals to live in peace and give freedom to warlike, violent people.  To rid the earth of war, oppression, and deviant behaviors that pray on the innocent we must begin with laws and enforce them.

When all minds, all, come to the realization of kind, compassionate, behaviors then and only then can the world begin to flush out negative, warlike, thoughts and actions. The mind is the bed of behavior, we must begin to soothe our fearful thoughts by making a softer, kinder place to reside in our fears. 

How? Meditation, slow down, sit in silence, enjoy the life you are given.  Turn off TV, social media, go to nature daily to escape the chaos of this world and be good to yourself. Stop comparing your life to someone else lifestyle. Eat clean, exercise daily, drink water and settle your mind down for a long period of acceptance and rest. Wake up knowing you are not responsible for saving anyone but yourself. When everyone comes to the peaceful, cool, waters to drink this wisdom then and only then will the world begin to heal itself, its people, and the planet. When we become calm, then answers will arise from beyond the five senses in full color. This I know, there is a God and this God wants all of us to live in peace with one another, but we have to figure out how.

One day I may share many of my full color answers that came from beyond and gave me a picture in my mind of my real problem and then through intuition I made decisions to move forward with much success and direction. And so I write my book. We all have this power, we must learn to become open to receive these answers through a thankful, positive attitude and an acceptance of the life we live.

Thankful to be present more now than ever before, and found my peace in it.  Teachers of mindful living and peaceful thoughts have surely solidified these in my heart and mind.

Image result for byron katie everyone loves me they just don't know it yet

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