Sunday, July 15, 2018

The Right Love, The Right Time, The Right Place

True love is easy. You will know it by the ease of the union from all sides. True love is not butterflies in your stomach. It is not being anxious, waiting, wondering if he or she will call, if it is true love they absolutely will call and you don't need to wonder.

True love is not about sex. It has nothing to do with being sexually compatible, you will be compatible.  No need to experiment to find out.  Matter if fact, true love does not need the sexual act to prove anything, the act does not prove anyone loves anyone, it proves you are human.  A fact we already knew. Better to wait on this act, wait to be closer and sure of the intentions of the other.

True love does not shame or embarrass one another, or tell intimate secrets to anyone else.  There is no need to when the two are best friends.  No need to lie, the reason anyone lies in a relationship is because one is not sure the other will still love him or her if the truth is known.  This love is something he/she wants and will lie to keep it.  If only the other knew that true love works through problems together and if each is willing to admit to the mistake and not do it again, then the love has a chance. Lying decreases chances of survival of love.

True love is something the world does not see everyday.  So when you meet him/her you may have a spark, a mutual minute electrical connection, so subtle you may not know what it is a t first. But if you pause, it just might start a flame of friendship.

True love is more easily identified when it begin with friendship, not sex.  And that you can take to the bank.  Thankful to have true love in my life now.

Image result for loe of self first

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