Friday, July 6, 2018

We Purchase Equipment According to Our Age

Exercise equipment is so subjective to your age.  When you are young you think, "Oh Yeah, treadmills, weights, elliptical, Nordic track, yes let's do this."  Or you may even a join a gym that cost you a year membership only to find out 4 months later, you don't go enough and now you can't get out of your membership easily. Life gets in the way.

Work, meetings, clients, overtime, social life, obligations to work, time with significant other, family, children and their activities, last thing on the list is exercise for yourself, that can wait. The thing is exercise can be put on the back burner for....ever and then age creeps up on you, children are gone on their own and you have time for you. But now, the equipment you bought when you were young, you can no longer climb on or use. Now what?

We have a full gym for the younger crowd but I had to start over. I bought another machine to help me with squats. That's right, I can't do squats without losing my balance and falling over, at my age that will ever do, I could break something! This machine feels great!  At first I could hardly do 10 but after a month of daily tries I did 50 at once!  The goal is to do 100 every day for 6 weeks to see greater abdominal strength and to build arm muscle.  In time I will be able to use the entire gym equipment in the basement.

What I have learned about life, body, and exercise.  Find time to do it everyday. If you work 20 hours in a day, don't go to bed till you do 30 minutes of high energy cardio.  If you can't get a babysitter, if you are a parent, get equipment for the home and never stop daily exercise. You will feel better, have more energy and your body will not have to go through what I am going through, starting out so slow you may wonder what is the use?  The use is I'm getting older and the body ain't getting younger, if I want to keep moving till I die, I need to keep moving with exercise. So on I go to 100 squats and beyond.

My knees are thanking me now, you're welcome body!  😅

Image result for squat assist row n ride trainer

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