Sunday, July 8, 2018

Doing Laundry In The Night

Have you ever scheduled yourself to do laundry and other activities got in the way and you did not do the laundry?  Maybe you had time when you first thought about it but you were distracted by something more important that needed immediate attention.  And then in the night you wake up, thoughts on your mind, things to do including the laundry.

What do you do when you can't sleep?

There are many suggestions of why anyone cannot sleep, a guilty conscious, maybe, an inspiration to do something new, perhaps, an unsettled mind, obviously, and the latest, sleep apnea due to obesity, all of these have a remedy within your reach.  Years ago I was taught if you can't sleep try this or that to go back to sleep and when I was young I tried to make this the truth.  Now with years of personal experience I suggest this:  Get up, do what first comes to mind, then meditate, relax and look inside to see what is waking you?

At first it may be a 5 senses need, like doing the laundry, a preparation for the next day, or my favorite, a message wanting consideration. So get up and get the first  thing out of the way, for me tonight is is doing the laundry.  Next I will hang the laundry out on the clothesline, yes in the dark of night because the forecast for tomorrow is dry and beautiful, and then there is another load of laundry to do.  And in between these activities I will sit and write.  On a conscious level I have promised myself to write a blog so I'm doing this now. 

And here's the part I invite you to do that is creative and more to the point: Write. Let every thought flow onto the paper and then let go.  Let yourself write anything that comes to mind, almost bypass your mind and write freely without thinking.  After ten minutes you may want to stop or not, you decide.  Now read your paper and see what you can extract from the words.  Inspiration to do something? Insight to answers or a worry?  Fun to explore your wonderful gift, a thinking mind.

But first get distractions out of the way, so I'm doing laundry in the night, I enjoy cleanliness and order.  Thankful to relax into the life I was given to live and see the good of it. Love to write for fun and exploration. Would you like to try this? What do you do when you can't sleep?

Image result for funny jokes about clothesline laundry


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