Monday, July 2, 2018

Dodging the Bullet

Another young woman I met today was visiting Lake George with her Aunt, who just happens to be from my home state of North Carolina. And the Aunt just happens to be writing a book like Moi.  What a great group of women to meet tonight as we ate dinner at the same restaurant.  Sweetheart waited patiently as we chatted after dinner, he is use to me striking up conversations with complete strangers lo these many 40+ years.  I love people and their stories and in particular I have been promoting education and women my entire adult life especially when I see a young woman.  So many young women do not know the dangers of this world and some of the men in it.

Men are absolutely wonderful once you know what you are dealing with and how to spot the predators, something none of us are taught unless we have a very modern and experienced woman in our life, something I did not have.  My father taught me the most about men but I fear a little too late.  So  now I warn young women to hopefully help them become independent and brave through education and listening to the wiser elder women of her tribe.  Formal education is a must for most of us but not always available to us all.

One key element I advise any young person is to NOT be in a hurry to find a mate. Learn to be alone with yourself and be happy, be brave, be wise.  Then after establishing your direction and finances, around 30 years old, now you may consider someone your equal in kindness and independence that respects you until then steer clear of a partner.  If you don't know what you don't want in a partner, you surely will not know what you do want.  Wait, slow down, plenty of time to spend the rest of your life with a compatible partner that you will "know" when the time is right. Until then stay out of all "love" relationships, you don't want to end up barefoot and pregnant or heart broken with no partner to help you raise the child if you don't have to. This has made many a woman and man bitter.  That is a road that is not easily remedied.

The young woman was in tenth grade and just broke up with a boyfriend, thank God, she just dodged that bullet! Now on to the most fun days of every woman's life, having clean fun, getting focus and educated.  Like I advise her, tell the men to get a number and go to the back of the line, she will be considering each after she has earned her Master's and established herself in lucrative employment or even more desirable a lucrative business of her own. (Freedom)

Believe me, the line will be long and the men will be there waiting no matter how long she makes them wait.  Thankful to have a wonderful man in my life, thankful he is patient and kind with me, I know I can be a firecracker to live with at times, but he loves fireworks, and I love him.😉

Image result for fireworks

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