Friday, July 27, 2018

Vote, Get True Facts, Vote

One true compass for any one to judge the character of any person or leader, is to watch how the innocent children, innocent women, innocent men are protected and their individual rights. Laws in every country are always tested on the people governed. 

In this country, we can vote the politicians that enacted misguided laws out of  office.  Other governed people across the world aren't as fortunate.

Career politicians are trouble, no man or woman that we have seen to date, can remain there with access to the people's hard earned tax money, and focus on the will of the people. We have seen laws that boost their personal income, benefit their family, their family's lifestyle, personal agenda, with no regard for the will of the people. This is rampant administration after administration. (Look at how their money is obtained and spent.)

A brush of the pen behind closed doors in the middle of the night by politicians make law for all a personal agenda too often against the will of the people.  What can we do? 

Vote them out and cross out fingers.

Our vote, our power, reveals our moral compass here in America and the American people value individual peace, individual freedom and transparency of the truth.

Thankful to be here in America today, exciting times.

Image result for mark twain on voting

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