Thursday, July 19, 2018

World Seem Crazy? Control of What You Focus Upon

All life has challenges. Life is not perfect never has been, and never will be. That is why we focus on our own peace of mind and mind our own business.  Change will come in every area, there is no stopping this, time takes care of this.

I know a lot about a chaotic mind, I have been working to organize my mind for decades and root out anger. My discovery is the closer I get to inner peace and inner organization, the more I make outer surroundings of my home and life organized and my emotions are more stable and peaceful. Less clutter more structure, equals peaceful, less stressful and chaotic life.  An uncluttered mind is a peaceful mind that takes actions to create structure and peace. My discovery is this, I may need to work to maintain my peaceful thoughts every day for the remainder of my life.  I can do this.

Becoming clear in my mind, maintaining organization, clean peaceful thoughts, takes discipline but makes every day much easier to live.  Thankful to have free will to create my own organized, mind, schedule, home, and business. Without organization chaos prevails and nothing is accomplished. We all have this free will, we do not all have this knowledge, time to teach. Pass it on. 😌

Image result for organized life peaceful mind

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