Monday, July 23, 2018

Wise Lady, Good Parents!

The sunset cruise across Lake Champlain was worth the trip for Sweetheart and me to make the drive.  The Ethan Allen II had three levels but the top, where we sat was the best to my way of thinking with a bird's eye view all around.  The sunset over the water was orange and red, the pictures say it all.

There was a traveling nurse, Alana, at the table next to us and I asked her to join us.  She was a southerner like "Moi!" How exciting for me. She is visiting for a 12 week assignment in Burlington, VT.  Twenty nine years old, educated, originally from South Carolina, she decided to become a traveling nurse to see the world, this was her first assignment and so far away from home.  She spoke immediately of her mama and dad. She has one sister and the family is very close.  Both her parents taught her to be her own woman, speak up for herself when needed and stay silent rather than engage in senseless arguments.  They thought Burlington VT was little far to go on a  first assignment but their daughter is brave.

Her parents worked themselves up from their own sharecropper parents, through focus and education, to become professionals, he is an electrician and her mother a teacher.  This is the America and its opportunities that make me respect this country.  However, her parents are the "hard workers" that pursued and made the good life they enjoy and share with their kids. (Hats off to them!) They provided a very nice life for her and her sister. Alana is a doll, a charismatic personality with a light hearted attitude and a lively laugh that anyone would enjoy conversing with her.  Wonder where she got that great personality from? Mom or Dad? She jokingly teased that she has "One Good Marriage In Her" and she is waiting for the right man to have children with, and live with, the rest of her life. She has seen a good marriage, her parents', and wants one for herself.

Her mother told her that "At the end of the day you have to go home with yourself, so brush off negative comments from others."  Her wise mother taught her "negative people are unhappy people otherwise they wouldn't talk so negative." True so true.  She once again is another example of how important it is to spend time with your own children, teach them about life, share your wisdom, but walk the talk, the children will cling to that wisdom and love you forever. Children learn more from watching you than you know.

It would be nice to meet her parents and congratulate them on raising such a fine woman.  Looks like her parents are coming up soon for their own first visit to the Northeast, maybe go to Canada too. This is a beautiful time of year for them to visit. Thankful to meet another wonderful young woman with a peaceful voice, a kind heart, and a backbone. No doubt, she is going far in life for one so young, she has direction, a plan, and is wise beyond her years.  The future of America is in good hands.  I'm really excited about this next generation. Nice meeting you Alana. 😉

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