Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Difference in Purpose and Mission

Depending what book you read and what speaker you follow these two words are confusing.  The best definition and application that defines this more clearly for me:  

*The "purpose" is an "inner" desire you have in your heart to give to the world.

**The "mission" changes from time to time in offering this desire in the work you do. As your life changes or what is needed in that area, you change the mission.

Say a person has a true love for animals and see them as needing people to care for them. Looking to care for animals may become a "purpose" in life.

The "mission" to do this can change from time to time as needed. Maybe become a veterinarian, a vet tech,  person that does research for medicines for animals, you may work in a kennel, become a foster mom for homeless animals, actively get involved in finding homes for strays, whatever direction you take, you always find a way to help animals, this brings you comfort knowing you helped an animal.


Say you have a true heart committed to helping humans be healthy. This becomes your "purpose" in life.

The "mission" to do this can change from, being a fitness instructor, a medical doctor, a nutritionist, physical therapist, the list in the medical field goes on and on, and can change as you change.


You love music and like to see people happy when they party, dance, and listen to good music. I heard Jimmy Buffet of Margaritaville XM radio say when he was young he like to surf and party on the beach with good music and friends. He decided early on he "wanted to "kick death's ***
by bringing good time to everyone until then." So he wrote songs and formed a very successful band know for beach and island type music and now after many decades he now has added a radio channel. Amazingly enough he still writes new songs every year.

His "purpose" to make life a party for everyone.

His "mission" is write songs, form a band, tour, and now he has a radio channel.

I have a "passion" to enjoy every minute of my life, to live in harmony with this world. Sounds selfish doesn't it?  It is. Once I can learn to relax and enjoy my life then I can be at peace with the world.  I write what has helped me to live with a peaceful perspective that heals the mind and unites us all.  Basically to enjoy life right now. This is something I have sought because it was missing from my life. I have been enjoying my dream for many years now and it is getting better every day.  

My mission is to share this knowledge through writing. The goal is that it may help bring peace of mind to others. Continued daily study through reading of other peaceful, successful people that live their purpose is a joy to me.  Currently I write a blog with a focus to finish my first book. Truth be known, everything I write has been taught before, but we don't all know of it.

After that, who knows?

Passion is a clue to the purpose, and finding a skill you really enjoy to express that purpose is the most rewarding.  What is your passion? How can you fulfil that passion as you work and live? And when can I read your story? I can hardly wait!

Image result for female hand writing with a quill

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