Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Why Do Women Give Away Their Power?

Perhaps we are brainwashed into this and we believe it because most women around us give away their power.  Perhaps it was stolen from us in an attempt to control us. The first task of any one to make you change your views is to make you doubt what you think.  Women have been taught to doubt our thoughts and defer to the man to keep the peace in a house or any disagreement. We are taught by example in society, especially major world religions that women must defer to the men, women cannot function without someone else leading us.

What is the first clue that any religion, society or marriage devalues women?  Look at the leaders of it, and how women are treated. Are there different passes/rules for men and women?  Look at the submissive roles women are reduced to and the confusion many women have at believing in themselves. My own mother is so concerned with making a mistake that she finds it almost impossible to make a stand alone decision. She always defers to my brother and at times me, her daughter.  Thank goodness we have her best interest at heart, it would be easy to take advantage of one so timid.

Then we have the modern intellectual women who believe they have the answer. They have achieved the rights, the voice, the credentials to be toe to toe with any man today.  In this country they are missing their power to change the world, because they are pursuing the opposition by copying men with hateful name calling, anger, blame, and threats. This has not worked for the men, look at history, they are still at war with other men that have a differing opinion from them. 

Yet when women go against men with venom and caustic words, women think they are going to win with a louder voice and the same finger pointing and inflated egos that the men use. It does not work.  Women have power but they don't use it. The female power is a good, honest, heart that makes them transparent in deed and words.  Personally I believe it is women without inflated egos that have the ability to show concern for all, not just self, that will turn this country, every country around to be the peaceful world we pray for. Women need to use their peaceful persistence to meet male aggression to reduce a call to war. First women have to believe this power will work, most do not today.

Two women who demonstrate such composure with persistent calm voice is Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Gingsberg and Sonia Sotomayor, both women who no matter what they present as an opinion, it makes one want to listen. If you listen, then you can see another point of view and come to a civil compromise.  You don't have to agree, but you can listen.  In a civilised country we need laws and citizens that respect laws or there will be utter chaos.

When men or women have not made decisions based on the good of all the people, instead performed perverted actions to serve self only, transparency is not available.  Men know their power and have built it for centuries.  Women have yet to find their power as a whole. How do I know? Look at the tactics celebrity women are using today, it will not work. Women are attacking other women with different views. That's what men do. It does not work.

We need male power balanced with female power, it is not one or the other that will save the world it is the two coming together to create the equilibrium.  One thing I thought we, women, recognised by now, is that name calling, blame, and threats is not the way to peace.  Men do this.

When I hear a high profile woman calling any other woman with a different opinion, in this country, crude words with coarse language, I realize we, women are still groping in darkness for the unity we crave.

Women need to unite.  Women lose their power when they copy men in war like behaviors.  My hope is the "Me Too" movement has a positive effect to protect the innocent and not turn into a man hating petition.  I know it is hard to believe when you stare at a TV or Iphone all day, but most men are NOT sexual predators.  It takes a sick male mind to do these things and we are all seeing where these predators hide, expose them, prosecute them. Move on with your good self.

Thank God I did not get that memo, to attack others, especially my sisters. I have to thank my mother for that. Thank you Mom.

~Virginia Woolf~ said it best...

Outwardly, what is simpler than to write books? Outwardly, what obstacles are there for a woman rather than for a man? Inwardly, I think, the case is very different; she has still many ghosts to fight, many prejudices to overcome. Indeed it will be a long time still, I think, before a woman can sit down to write a book without finding a phantom to be slain, a rock to be dashed against. And if this is so in literature, the freest of all professions for women, how is it in the new professions which you are now for the first time entering?

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