Sunday, July 22, 2018

The Moose Beautiful Day

My closest know I love "Meese."  Any time I see a fake moose in a field, on a lawn, in a picture I stop.  In my travels I have been in "moose" country many, many, times but have not seen one in the wild yet.  I keep looking...

Years ago I saw a metal life-size moose at a huge flea market/antique sale in South Carolina and determined I would love to have a life size metal moose in my yard.  Everywhere I ride I look.

This weekend we celebrated life everywhere we drove and much to my joy, we saw fake life size meese.  There was one in a lawn beside a gift shop I visited, there was one in the shop of a most unusual photograph and at night we had dinner in Lake George at the DEUCE MOOSE CAFE. 

And for those persnickety perfectionist scholars, yes I know meese is not a word but thanks for pointing out the obvious again, lighten up, laugh. Life's too short to be perfect. The word moose has its origin in the Native American Algonquian language. 

Love those Native Americans. Thankful to have a camera to share these great, pictures with you.

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