Saturday, July 14, 2018

Ever Love Someone That Did not Love Himself or Herself?

It is hard to be in a healthy relationship with this person.  You can constantly give and give to them of your time, your presents, presence, your words of love and no matter what you give, it is never enough.  Next time you see them or talk to them you hear, "You don't call enough, you don't visit enough," you don't do something enough or the opposite, this same personality type only comes around when they need something from you. This personality however when you ask something of him/her, change the subject, they suddenly are too busy or unable to help you.

In your world you are happy, you have learned to look for the rainbow in the clouds.  When you are not with this self-absorbed person, you believe all is well.

Have you met this person? Are you related to this person? In the end this person is exhausting to be around with no end to the attention needed to placate "their needs."  The attention they truly need is to give to their own mind, their own heart, to learn to love self.  No one else can fill this abyss.

Now I am older, I know more and I treat myself better because of what I have learned.  I'm much more open to listen and agree to disagree, however I am no longer interested in a one sided relationship.  Equal sharing of ideas, time, and respect for each other is my minimum requirement. If I can't get this, I'm moving on.  This is what makes life exciting, the exchange of opposite viewpoints and the wonderful debate to come to an understanding of another's opinion, even if we don't agree.

To my great relief, there is sunshine just over the mountain of fear and negative self-judgment. The climb is hard at times but the reward is worth it, I have made the climb myself.  When we go deep within our heart, we uncover a wealth of self-love we were born with and began to uncover the goodness in all of us. 

And this I know for sure: When you are kind to yourself, your actions begin to line up with your kind heart, and you become kinder to the world.  

I encourage you to find your peace and move on to maintain it. If this means giving up a relationship with a victim personality, you have to move on, this is your life.  You choose what you will sacrifice to have this person in your life, if your sanity is at stake, you may have to move on without them. You choose how you allow others to treat you. Choose well.

Thankful to have great friends and family in our life. More good people in this world than not, you can find them. Like-minded people always find each other eventually.  Move on with your good self!
Image result for spend time with people who dont use you


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