Monday, July 16, 2018

Givers Absolutely Need to Set Limits

Or "Takers" will take advantage of you till you have no more to give, and then still expect you to help again.  Having a sweet, kind, heart is a wonderful thing until you give too much to the wrong people.  I am a giver who has given way too much too often to the wrong people. Who are the wrong people? The ones that take and take and take and give little if anything back to the giver. This includes your time and emotional energy, you spend time with and give emotional support to people who expect you to let them have your time, your house, your food, and your emotional support without any limits and evidently no sense of the fact they are using you.

Years ago I met a wonderful woman, a single mother with two kids in the school our children attended.  She was delightful and her children polite, upbeat, positive, and I invited her family over for a visit.  She came and we had a good time together.  After this one visit she came to our home again and again without a prior phone call, she just showed up.  She would go to our refrigerator and say, "What do you have to eat?"  At first I thought this was endearing and I was glad she felt like family but then...

She would show up unannounced at 11 PM when I had a migraine and the lights were out at our house, we all had gone to bed.  I wanted to be polite, I would tell her, "I have a migraine this is not a good time" and she would push the door open saying, "I'll just be here a short while, I wanted to see my friend." Once again I would let her end and offer some tea. No one else got up in our house, it was 11 PM.  My husband wisely said, "I'm not getting up, I need my sleep, she is your friend."

As years went on she actually showed up unannounced with her two kids often, opening the refrigerator and expecting me to feed everyone again. I did.  One holiday she brought her husband, he had been in Nigeria for years but now was back in the states. She introduced us to him. Once again I prepared nice festive party foods and after the visit, he actually said to my friend, "Your white friend is using you for her token black friend."  He actually thought I talk to people about my friends and what race they are.  I told my husband, "This is preposterous, and I have had enough."

Next visit she was in town and told me she and her kids needed a place to stay the night and knew I would put them up, no worries, they could all three sleep in my living room on the floor they brought blankets.  Enough, I told her, "No you cannot. This is Christmas and we have plans, you will need to stay somewhere else."  She looked surprised as if she expected me to allow her to intrude once again without question.  The blank look on her face said everything, she was a taker, and there was no end to what she would take if I did not set limits. Unbelievable, once again I did not know there were people like here on earth. I always looked at others from my perspective, I would never take advantage of someone's hospitality knowingly.

After this encounter, months later, she and her family moved to another state and I kept her on my Christmas letter list, I liked her, I like to hear about her family, I did consider her a friend.  She would send a card or maybe call in January in response to my letter, never mentioning our last contact in person. Years went by and I stopped contacting her but last year I did. I had seen her at the tulip festival in Albany and asked how everyone was, she was in town visiting her mother.

She does not stop in anymore when she comes to town to visit her family. And in the card I sent this year I asked, "I was wondering after all the times you came to my house and we fed you and your family, why did you never once invite me to your house for dinner?"  She called and left a voice message and we played phone tag, last time she was “it.”  She never called again...

Thankful I learned to set limits on takers, she was a good lesson for me.  That one was sly, slipped in under my radar of kindness, that will not happen to me again.
Image result for givers have to set limits because takers rarely do

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