Sunday, October 1, 2017

Fathers are Important too

There are so many women, especially celebrities, who say "I make every decision in light of what is best for the children." Yet the divorce rate is higher than ever.  How about instead of constantly removing men from the home of their children through divorce, we see that the father stays in the house with the bio mother, helping raise his children? How about we begin to understand that a father is just as important as the mother?  The family unit must be strong to make the children strong.

The most important thing a mother can do for her children is love their father, help him stay in the house with his kids.

There was a time when the law gave women no right to her children, now the law has swung too far the other way and women are too quick to take the men out of the house.  We have to find a middle ground to keep fathers and mothers in the house with the children.  Children need their bio parents.

Women have got to stand up and speak to maintain peace and kindness in the home. A passive aggressive mother never helped anyone, least of all the children.

A personal opinion, I like the polarity of the two sexes to teach children.

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