Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Flowers and Friends

My husband, daughter, and sons have given me flowers for years. I love them.  This past anniversary my husband went into the front field and picked a huge bouquet of wildflowers and put them in my large crystal vase. I bought this vase years ago for the long stem Red American Beauty Rose bouquets he would often give me.  You know you really need a tall vase for those.

So I get flowers throughout the year from my Sweetheart for no reason except he thought of me. My children call or send a card now and then this is enough, They have a life of their own out in the world and the thought really is enough.  Today I received a call from a local florist asking if I would be home the next hour because they had a delivery for me.  I was so surprised, who was sending these?  I thought it has to be my husband or one of the turns out to be, my own daughter's mother-in-law!

I never would have guessed her, but I really love the pink roses, simply elegant.  The older I get the more surprises come to me as I live and just let live. So thankful, people are so nice. Thank you Rose!

Are you a Traveler or a Tourist?

A traveler will experience and embrace life as it comes, a tourist is looking for something specific.  Both will find what they are looking for but the traveler will have a richer, fuller, experience.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Millennial Entrpreneurs are going to be amazing because they already are...

According to an article by Molly Petrilla 2016 BNP Paribus Global Entrepreneur Report this younger generation is ready to own and prosper in their own businesses at earlier ages than the baby boomer generation. (Baby boomers are considered anyone over 50 years of age) The survey over 18 countries calculates that millennials are worth over $17 billion now.  The future holds promise for much more profits because of technology and these entrepreneurs are entering the business world ownership 10 -20 years earlier than their parents or grandparents.  

The last generation worked to make their profits first and then became philanthropic in their later years.  The new millennial business owners seek not only a profit, but they are much more socially aware and environmentally concerned. Retirement and philanthropic work will come sooner for them.

The world is getting better and each new generation makes it so. So excited about the future for business and the people that own their own business.  Eco-friendly and socially concerned decision makers will make the world a better place.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Privilege is Not Anything Except Worrying About What Other's Think

Listening to documentaries on Netflix, reading posts on FB, hearing people talk about certain privileges certain people have, I have given a lot of thought to why people focus on the privilege that other people think other people have. It seems to boil down to the same basic human emotion of fitting into a society that has prejudice and jealousy.

The grass is always greener on the other side.  This country we live in is diverse. The religions and cultures here teach division and do more damage to divide us with all the individual rules and laws of each one.  I think of the prejudice of this entire world, each belief one holds is "the" truth, therefore no other way is true. The biggest troubles are people get hurt if you don't agree with "their truth" and people are seeking acceptance through beauty, power, diplomas, being a male, skin color, and wealth. 

We are NOT all created equal in mental abilities, physical talents, beauty, athletic abilities, creativity, or born into a supportive, loving, family, with a stable home life with food on the table, financial opportunities and education.  But we ALL are born into a world that has prejudice, differing opinions about what is acceptable or dominate: straight, gay, black, white, Christian, Muslim, Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, educated, not educated, rich, poor, man, woman...etc. The thinking any of this as superior to another is insane.  This thinking is born out of a very bad self image (developed from previous generational negative thinking) that seeks to elevate one's self by putting others down and it never works long term. There are NO CHOSEN PEOPLE, we are all born thanks to the survival of the fittest, the genetics of our bloodline. (Let's not make it more than what it is.)

It is not about what other's think about me, it is about what I think about myself.  True there are racists, misogynists, "phobes" of every different way of thinking, but the people we all admire most are the ones that do not let others stand in their way of personal success, they go on to live their dream in spite of their skin color, educational level, sexual orientation, finances, or religion.

Whether it is a person who has down's syndrome, that goes on to college and graduates, we all applaud this individual. If it is a black gay professor that teaches in the university, we applaud his accomplishment.  A gay woman who opens her own business and runs it successfully, we applaud her for being successful in spite of the "phobes."

We like people who live life on their terms in spite of the naysayers. These "misfits(the true winners) of society" that do  not accept defeat because of other people's thinking or prejudice.  When anyone rises above what is thrown at them, we applaud them.  These people rise above not because of developing anger and violent tendencies towards their oppressors, they rise above by focusing on their strengths and goals and continuing peacefully till they get there.  People love peaceful people. Haters are always here that cause harm, these we cannot focus on and we don't.

None of us can change the world but if we change ourselves (strong confidence within) in time, collectively, the world will change. The evolution of humankind will phase out such frivolous haters that divide us. I believe this world was created for us all to live in unity and peace. What do you believe this world was created for?

Do you want to be a part of the change?  Then we need to start focusing on our own peaceful pursuits and stop worrying about what others think. A positive attitude and laser focus to continue till you get to the top is the road less traveled but it works. How do I know? Winners say it works.

It is a privilege to breathe air and think our own thoughts, make our own choices. More people will support you more than you know no matter what color or socio-economic background you come from when you step out and make your own way.

All people are born equal in that we all have a purpose to be here. Our challenge is to find that purpose and live it peacefully, joyfully, in spite of the haters. People do it, let's all do it.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Reach Your Own Nirvana

We choose how long we struggle to see what is here in front of us every day.  I use to see others living better than our family and think that would be nice to have that or go there or do that, I was curious.  I was not interested in someone giving me anything, I learned this at home because no one ever gave us an inheritance to do anything great with, such as buy a vacation home, pay for our college, or do anything extraordinary etc. Anything our family had we worked for every cent of it and we had very little at times.

When I saw someone with a nice car, house, boat, etc., I knew money bought these things, I wanted to learn what that person did for a living, how did that person afford that? I wanted to learn what that person knew, what work brought that kind of monetary income to afford that lifestyle. What I did not know then was that everyone does not have the same skills to do anything you see.  We must learn what personal skills we have that we can develop into a business/career that others will pay you to perform. 

As an adult I have learned that when you are handed an inheritance you can afford to buy things others have to earn. If you live frugally you might be able to avoid working till you die and hold on to that inheritance money. If you are not a first generation millionaire, which most Americans are not, you will work hard like a first generation millionaire and save to obtain everything you ever acquire. But working hard does not insure any of us will be a millionaire, it takes more than hard work.

If you learn how to save and invest money you earn you will not lose it.  If your parents did not teach you how to save and invest you better read a book or talk to a financial advisor, you will need to teach yourself and here's a tip, most people do not figure out how to do it on their own, we all need outside information. It takes time, discipline and focused effort or we will end up working a job our entire life.

When I hear of people wanting the government to take care of everything for us, I do not see why anyone would want this?  "What the government giveth, the government can taketh away."

If you get on your feet financially, independent of anyone but yourself,  learn to live within your means, get your own income from working, maybe two or three jobs if need be, you can begin to save and invest so one day you will have some money to start your own business.

So today, think what would you like to do as a business to make this world a better place? Not a business that will just make money, but make the world more peaceful, safe, eco-friendly, unify families and nations? What do you have that is worth someone paying you for, that you would love to do everyday?  Think. Employee mentality is not freedom, it stagnates in time, now you are a slave to making money instead of living your dream. Online business is here now, what a time to be alive!

This is self-actualization, this is nirvana.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Eleven Lovely Things Not Including People

For my blog I think I will start a November tradition of listing "11 Lovely Things Not Including People" for a Thanksgiving post the day after Thanksgiving. Make your own but here is my list this year.

1)  the eyes of a child when his eyes light up because he understands how to play a game.

2)  the smile that comes to my face when I hear my Sweetheart playing his guitar in the other room.

3)  the excitement of seeing a friend's face at the door you have not seen in a year.

4)  the feel of a warm fire on my legs sitting on the couch on a cool night.

5)  the joy in the eyes of a friend you just gave a simple scarf gift to.

6)  the unexpected flowers I received from another friend for our Thanksgiving table.

7)  the text I received from our daughter wishing us a happy with a picture of her and her brother              playing checkers at her in-laws' house.

8)  the confidence of being a veteran cook to doctor up a recipe that just flopped the morning of               Thanksgiving dinner to make a delicious alternative that guest love and want to take home.

9)  the happiness seeing the lights lit up in my windows for the first time again this year at our house.

10)  the comfort of a man I love by my side, as always, telling me I have pretty, small, feet that he               loves.

11)   Lying in bed late morning watching a Netflix documentary on bears with my "Honey."

Life is good.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving Traditions

What are yours? 

Our tradition was to go around the table and tell one thing we liked about each person. 

In the years we did this there were times when people at the table thought this was lame but nonetheless they all would participate.  By the time we got to the end of thankfulness for each one, there was usually a tear in every eye.

Sweet words can be so healing.  Life gets so fast, fast, faster, faster, it is easy to gloss over these kind words that are so healing to hear each day. Years go by and although we are separate it is nice to remember why we loved to be together one time long ago.  It does bring a tear to this Mom and Dad's eye to this day.  Thankfulness is easy when you get your eyes off yourself.

So what is your tradition for this Thanksgiving? I'd like to hear in comments below.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

You Can Always Make Memories for Someone

We were thinking about how many holidays have come and gone with our children far away whether it was military duties, a job, traveling and we thought we can still make memories for those we meet now that are also far away from home and family.

The couple that is coming for Thanksgiving dinner have an eight year old son. He never celebrated Thanksgiving or Christmas, it was not his family's tradition.  He loves coming here and seeing our decorations and lights, tasting our good southern recipes alongside some of the Yankee dishes Sweetheart makes.  So I guess the next chapter in our life is celebrating with our new friends and family and making childhood excitement all over for this little guy.  One day when he is graduating college we will be there and he will remember good times. 

Making fun memories is one thing we do well. Namaste.

Having a Halal Turkey This Year

Love having new friends over for any holiday. This year we are having this to accommodate but we are cooking the bird as they do not eat turkey, only chicken.  The dishes she makes are so delicious we can hardly wait for Thanksgiving dinner!  Thanks Wasan!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Happy Anniversary Quail Writer One Year

One year ago I had finished a Bob Proctor online class about changing my paradigm.  This paradigm thinking was new and interesting and the writing exercise he gave the class was to write a paragraph with your left hand every day for 60 days.  I began writing this everyday and at the end of 30 days I said why should I keep writing his paragraph when I really want to get in the habit of writing everyday for the purpose of finishing my first book, so I began writing the blog that my daughter had set up for me in July of that year.  Writing my blog to practice writing for the first book was more beneficial to me than writing Bob's paragraph. Thanks Bob for getting me started! Thanks Anna fro setting my blog up!

Yesterday my mother called to thank me for the gifts I send in the mail to her.  She says it makes waiting for the mail every week exciting to see what I have sent her.

She:"I want to get you and Charlie something, let me send you money. You both do so much for me." 

Me: "No mother, we don't need your money, we love sending you things you need or want especially now that you are a home body."

She: "You give so much and I love to give to others too. " 

Me: "Yes you are where I learned this from I'm sure." 

She:"What can I give you two then?"

I thought and told her, "To tell you the truth, we have so much stuff that I'm beginning to give things away.  I don't need anything, everything I ever wanted I already have."

She said,"That is wonderful. Did you ever think you would be able to say that in this life?"

Me: "Absolutely.  I fully expected to have it all."

She now waits to read my first book and I continue to write it.  The blog is fun, my mother likes to read it alongside my biggest fan, my Sweetheart.  The world is as it should be to want it any other way is insanity. Thank you Byron Katie.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

The American Woman Citizen Will Not Adopt Other Cultures' Archaic Treatment of Them

As bad as anyone may think this USA is in the treatment of women, and the long road we have yet to travel through laws for protection of children, women, and yes even some men, we are still a BIG LEADER in the world of equality of the female across the world.

Whenever you speak with any immigrant and I do often and ask, "Why come here? You could go anywhere in the world...Why here?"  Every single time I hear one of these answers: "I can make money here. There is no civil war here. There is individual freedom and opportunity here. Once I have established business, the government will not come close me down, take it away with no reason. The health care here is much better, I don't have to wait in line for serious need of medical attention. My child can be educated and have a chance for a better life. Women are treated better here, they are free."

Women here do have opportunities that other countries do not allow for women.  An immigrant female friend is excited that she is allowed to drive a car and go through the city without fear of her or her child being hurt or kidnapped, allowed to dress without the hijab and be judged as a "bad" woman.

Men are not allowed by federal law to beat, harass, kidnap, rape, or slap women here.  Women need to speak up and file charges to have the man locked up.  So to think another religion or culture is coming here to change the treatment of women to be less that what is established...THIS IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.   

An American woman is strong when she uses her voice and the law of this land.  We have a long way to go I know, but we will not be taken back to archaic cultures that submit women and children to abuse unimaginable.  You bring your religion here great. You hold onto your culture, great. But you had best remember you came here for a better life and you can have it, but you better learn the ways of a USA citizen and treat women with respect and the "equal to any man status they have by law here" or go back to your country, leave your women here, we will celebrate their freedom as they grow old in the good old USA.  Women are free here.

Don't get me started on how religion holds all women down, do not get me started...

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Sable Fur and a USMC Boonie Hat

Sweetheart wanted to get out in the driveway at 2Am last night to see the meteor shower. It was cold. I went to bed at 10 PM to get some sleep before this annual event.  There are two or threee months each year we lie out in the driveway on a waterproof stuffed garbage bag with blankets and sleeping bags to view this movie put on by the heavens.

It turned icy cold last night.  I jumped up out of my nice soft comfy bed and put on my sweat pants and Marine Corps sweatshirt, socks and winter boots.  Heading downstairs I took a peek out of the front door and had a shiver. Next to the front door is my closet full of winter coats.  I wanted the longest and warmest one in there.  I grabbed my sable fur and a hat from the nearby hat rack, my eldest Marine Boonie hat.  Perfect!

Warm now. Let the show begin!

Friday, November 17, 2017

Hope is not the opposite of Fear, The Two are the Same

Why would anyone want to let go of hope?  If you think about it, hope is dealing with a future that is not certain for anyone.  We don't know for sure if we will even be alive tomorrow but we hope we will. Does this hope mean we fear life as it is now? Hope is a religious concept taught by Christianity to be a "Son of God" that hopefully will return one day. When this Jesus comes, Jesus will right all the wrongs we see now, or we hope he will. What if Jesus never comes back? What then?

Much of hope is because we fear the present is not going as well as we would like but the truth is no one's future will change unless we take action to change it. Hoping it will change does not accomplish anything.  There is a daily change that happens naturally, the turning of the earth, every new breath we take, time passing that heals all wounds but only if you let it. You are in control of your thoughts and actions alone. If other people are not living up to our standards it can be exhausting to "hope" they will change to meet our requirements of perfection.

And some people will never change because they don't want to or see the need to change. No amount of prayer or hope on my part can change anyone. If people change for the better it is because they chose to, not my doing.

Fear about us living in the "end times" is not comforting to believe,but accepting life is as good as it can be now brings more peace to any mind.

So what is the confusion when thinking about this?  The current situation if not what we want has to be changed by our thoughts and actions to improve it.  If we sit and hope, we lose power over our life. If we train our thoughts to believe things are good and accept things everyday as they come and believe every day is a stepping stone to the journey we live, then we stop the worry.  The present moment is good enough and we have no need of hope for better.

To be in the powerful position of my life, I have to take responsibility for every facet of it. I like being in the power seat of me.  I can do this through thinking and acting, not hoping.


Thursday, November 16, 2017

At first I said, "WHAT" then I said "Whatever..."

Ted Talk has a speaker revealing the invasion of privacy Facebook has on you.  Algorhythms are set up to draw you in for influences of the owners of the ads.  At first I thought you mean every posts I ever deleted was kept by FB for market research?  Egads is nothing private?  I say this because I vent on FB.  I read posts and get angry, type out my anger in the comment section and then delete it knowing I am really not that interested in getting into an argument over something that is not my fight.

Now I will not be doing that anymore...

When any problem presents itself to me, I think about it.  My initial thought is not the one I reason with or act on, I relax and process my thoughts before speaking most of the time.  I learned this from a past of opening my mouth only to change feet.  I learned discipline of what I say, how I say it, and to whom I say it, most of the time I realize it is none of my beeswax so I shut up.

So although I accept I am not perfect, I will be more careful of what I write and delete on anything.  What was typed was typed, what was deleted was supposed to be deleted but now I learn it was not, my privacy can only be maintained by me.  And so it will from now on.

If I can say one thing I'm getting really good at in my old age, is MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS.  I stay out of others' business private and professional unless they ask me for help directly.  My business, my life is so peaceful, I will keep it that way.  The advertisers need not waste their time trying to influence me, I always do my own research before buying anything even the news.

If you want to check out the TED Talk it is titled: "We are building a dystopia just to make people click on ads... by Zeynep Tufekci. 

Me? I'll mind my own business...FB can do "Whatever..."

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Everything Has Change, no Way to Stop It

Embrace that and flow with it.  To step in the same river twice is impossible. 

I'm not Sure but I think I Stopped Caring When I was a Tween

This world is wonderful however there are so many different opinions everywhere from everyone.  The first favor I ever sought again and again but could not win, was my mother.  No matter how well I did there was no pat on the back. No matter how hard I tried when I did my best, I was told I did not try hard enough, I did not practice enough, I tried and practiced and tried every single day for years.
Finally I gave up.

In dance class there was a talented dancer, I knew it, the teacher knew it, all the other mothers knew it. I was amazed at this natural talent that I shared a little of but just did not have the timing of this student. I admired her for it and was happy to be second to the best in the class.  My mother was not happy I was second in the class.  I did not get the solo performances and Mother wanted only the best for her daughter, she wanted me to be first, I never got the solo.

In school I did well for the elementary years as we all usually got "S" Satisfactory every subject for every elementary year, but middle school was challenging and with no one at home to do homework with me every night I began to score below average in grades.  No one knew I had ADHD, it was not diagnosed back then and so teachers told my mother I did not try hard enough.  Mom was disappointed in me again.  I could not win no matter how hard this 8 year old tried and there was no help to improve or try to help me at home.  By high school I was struggling to get by with "Cs", average was not good enough for mother and why did I have to love art?  My mother wanted me to play the piano for the church like her sister's child.

Me? I wanted to draw and dance in the yard, just be me, just be happy.  So I begin to stop caring by the time I was 11.  I stopped trying to be the perfect girl my mother wanted.  By this I mean I stopped caring what my mother thought, my father, often absent from all of lives, thought I was perfect. Thank goodness for Dad.

Dad taught me to believe in myself, and never walk away from a bully, but to stand up for myself. He use to say, "If a bully bullies you once and you back down, the bully has you.  The bully will be back again and again. If you call the bully out you will find the bully to be a coward and the bully will back down. You win."

As a young girl I really was not bullied much, sexually harassed by a couple of adult men, my high school teacher and my optometrist, I handled those old men well.  But in my years at high school, I stood up for others that were bullied and made friends with the most unlikely people.  Children in special needs class knew my name, the black students integrated into our school knew me, and some poor girls that were made fun of by those cheerleaders, knew me because I stood up for them when they could not stand up for themselves.  Dad taught me this, to use my voice, not physical violence and my voice was enough.

As an adult I have learned my mother did not feel good about herself and that is why she pushed me. The problem is my mother was better at many things than me and she could not accept that, I can. Her home life must have been hard and maybe that is why she eloped so young.  She will not talk about it and I may never know but I love my mother.

I found I loved everyone even the gossipy cheerleaders even though they did not love me.  My life was not easy growing up in a negative thinking and negative speaking home but I survived.  I moved away as quickly as possible and never looked back.  I had to go out into the world to see that everyone is not negative about my artwork, I have taught art for years to students in  and out of the classroom.  This has brought much joy to children.

When you fall in love with yourself as you are, you can offer so much more goodness to the world. When you know you have a good heart and mean well, you forgive yourself and others much easier. 

It is easier to move on with your life when you do two things:
1) Really make peace with yourself and you will stop caring what negative people think about you.  2) Move away from a totally negative environment in order to find your inner peace and stay in it.

I am so thankful to have a husband who thinks I'm perfect just the way I am and children who love me.  I make mistakes and always will because I'm human but I know me well.  In the end when your heart is pure, things will work out if you keep trying.  I always give 300% in everything I do, and that will have to do, it is all I got.  I love me.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Hollywood Is Spitting Mad, It's About TIME!

Hollywood is all aroused about the male dominated industry.  The ladies are coming, and with a plan that does not include killing anyone. I like it.

Marilyn Monroe would applaud you as she once said when asked how did she make it to movie star status in the movies?  "I f*cked my way to the top." Egads! Did she say that?

Not all starlets did but many did to get that coveted role. Maybe just maybe now women will get in control of certain industry positions and make it safe for all, children and women to live the dream of becoming a movie star on talent alone. Thankful to live in the USA where this can be accomplished.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Breakfast at Tiffany's is now Available!

Fourth floor now open. It's about time! Yes there will be a reservation for two soon, my daughter and me. I think we'll dress like Holly Golightly. Thankful for this restaurant in NYC.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

There More Good Men Than Bad

Most of them are married and settled into a quiet life in a long term relationship. The reason you don't hear about this silent majority is because these men and women have no time for drama.  These couples are living the dream of being in love with ONE person for the rest of their life.

Think about it the only men you hear about often are entertainers or near the entertainment industry in some position, this includes politicians.  Remember when politicians were people you could trust and look up to? Oh no... that was when I was much younger and did not know how government is run and how privileged men and women abuse the money and power of government for personal gain to maintain their seat.  Chasing personal agendas instead of listening and acting on behalf of the taxpayers has become the norm for politicians.

Bottom line there are many more faithful men without devious sexual minds than the mentally sick ones we see in politics and entertainment fields including media and sports. How do I know? Because the everyday American man is the working majority supporting his wife and kids, trying to spend time with his family instead of running off to another night club, lounge, business meeting, or party.

Thank goodness for faithful good family men.  There are plenty out here, but you have to wait to find him.

Friday, November 10, 2017

I Follow My Intuition ... Even When I don't Know Why

Yesterday I was going about my usual day when my thoughts went back to the funeral I attended. There was a graveside interment the next day that was available for anyone... but my husband and I decided to not attend as we both went to the wake.  As I went through the day I had an intuitive thought to go to the interment, at first I questioned myself and said, "Why?"  In the end I did go not knowing why but trusting in time it would be revealed.

At the graveside his wonderful family were present and his step-father invited me to join them for a meal afterwards.  I asked him and his wife, "if I would be intruding on a private family time? I would not want to do that." They both assured me it was ok, so I went to the cafe with them.

As we were leaving I began to tell them about my last conversations with their son only to find out they had no knowledge of what he told me.  The conversation revealed he was sicker than he let them know and this is why his death was so unexpected to them.  Obviously he did not want them to worry, he was trying to take care of himself. Like so many men he did not talk about his medical condition or the pain he was experiencing.  I was surprised they had no knowledge of this since he shared it freely with me and one other person at our work.

The family was relieved to hear of the things I told them and it answered a lot of questions they had.  And once again I followed an intuition without knowing the outcome and it brought some peace to the family.  Thankful for good people like him and his loving family. 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Unexpected Surprise After Kids are Grown and Out of Your House

The children grew up.  They moved out. We were not anxious about any of them, we knew we did our best and they were smart kids.  We gave them permission to fly. Permission to not have to call home every day or every week...heck they don't call every month but we know they are living life on their terms. We certainly did, now it is their turn.

We told each of them, "Come home because you want to, not because it is a holiday or an obligation." We do not understand the need for some parents to talk to their adult children everyday or call home every week.  When you are young and living life fast, you don't need your mother or father to know everything you do.  This is why being an adult is so much better than being a kid.

So we love them, love to see them when it is convenient for them but this extra space, this extra time gives us time to really get to know people more closely. And I find I like listening to people more than I used to.  It may be because I'm not so busy running around keeping house, feeding kids, going to schools to help out every is a different life with kids in the house at any age.

So my unexpected surprise is the time I have now to meet new people, spend real time with them and get to know them.  Older folks have so much wisdom about life.  I shall listen and write the wisdom they share with me.  I have always loved people in general, now I can know them more intimately and enjoy this age. The only part I am getting used to is the death of friends and family. It is happening every year now.

All is as it should be as time goes on for me and my Sweetheart.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Don't Resent Growing Old, Some People Are Denied The Privilege

Saw this in a magazine printed on a tee shirt. It made me sad because an acquaintance died last Friday, He was 49 years old.  He had a heart attack.

Death comes unexpectedly but sometimes there is a pain worse than death.  His body was weak from chemo, his immune system was so fragile that when he got a cold he would need to go to the hospital.  Gout plagued him and he became so physically weak, he could not lift 40 lbs.  He never married or had kids, "too much of a lone wolf" he said.  He wished now in his last days he had someone to help take care of him and to talk with, he would call me and we talked.

I would eventually need to hang up and he wanted to talk longer but I had to go. Now he had to go. Now he can rest free from his bodily pains and worries. He was a good man that Ken.

I think of his poor mother. You have to do some serious Byron Katie work to deal with this event.

Monday, November 6, 2017

The More we Know The Better we Do...All change begins in our Mind?

Byron Katie Mitchell that teaches has survived some really painful body diseases.  Her teaching is that you embrace the disease, love it, and then it will leave.  The disease comes to teach us something and once you accept it, really love it, you will be healed.

I do not know if I will ever be able to do what she has taught by example but I would sure give it try before taking drugs.  The hardest for me, would be, to accept I think, after that was accomplished I would let nature take its course.

I will say I was deaf and it was getting worse and I accepted it and then one day I could hear again. The line between the five senses, our damaged DNA, and this acceptance is different for each of us. One thing I am very sure of, if you try and don't get healed, we cannot live in blame for not believing enough, this really is not beneficial.

Juicing, eating healthier, exercise, positive thinking definitely helps.  There is so much scientific evidence to the benefits of eating healthy, being a healthy weight, thinking positive thoughts that you would think we all would do it, but we don't.

This is the age of knowledge.  We know the right things to do but do we do it? This is a great time to be alive, we are learning more and more about how to live well, now it is up to us to choose to do it. Alcohol is very harmful to the body.  Studies are revealing how toxic this is to a healthy brain and body. One day in the future I hope humans will look back and say, "I can't believe humans use to drink alcohol and diet drinks! Didn't they know how bad that was for them?"

Vegans wait for the day humans say, "I can't believe humans use to eat animals!"  The future is going to be interesting that is for sure and I do believe everything is getting better as we all get educated about self care... And choose to do it for the rest of our lives. 

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Even A Panoramic Picture Cannot Capture What your Eyes See

Sweetheart was telling me about walking our driveway when I was away and thinking how beautiful it was, so he took a picture and sent to me. I told him I take pictures in my walks that I send to him but notice the picture I send on his phone does not portray the actual beauty of what we see.  He then went on to describe what he believes cause us to not see the same beauty.  He expresses how wonderful the human eye is made to be able to have peripheral vision that makes us "see" 180 degrees everywhere we look and how a camera can only take a limited view of it. He further observes it is the smells, the sounds, and that peripheral vision that takes in all the details.

I said."Whenever I see something in nature of beauty, my first thought is... ("I wish Charlie was here.)  When I hear a good story that makes me laugh, I wish Charlie could hear it, when I taste good food, I think, I wish Charlie could taste this. Fun to share good experiences with my Sweetheart.

In reality a panoramic picture show you 180 degrees at one time while your eyes would give you a 360 degree view of the same panoramic shot.  Cameras are so developed today and can take HD shots. I especially like National Geographic Photography photos.

I once read that to be accepted as an on staff National Geographic Photographer, your first assignment is to send you to photograph a famous destination that has been photographed 1000s of times.  Your assignment is to find a new way of seeing the place and take that picture.

Thankful for great photography and the photographers that go places I am never going to go and bring back pictures I adore. The following is one of my FAVORITE National Geographic pictures. Beautiful world of beautiful people. It is good to be alive.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Death Doula

We have heard of midwives and birthing doulas but now there are "death doulas."

Evidently the death doula helps to make arrangements to have your dead loved one remain in your home. (This was done before the funeral home came into existence.)

One google search revealed a home burial is prohibited in only two US states, Arkansas and Indiana.  Makes me wonder what the heck did someone do to a dead body in those two states to have this made into a law?

It seems you can bathe the dead body, anoint it with oils like Jesus' mother did, wash it, clothe it, and keep it in the front parlor like in Gone with the Wind for viewing.  It has to be put on dry ice to preserve it a few days and then it can be cremated or buried.

There are laws about the casket too, whether it can be homemade or bought.  Laws as to whether you can bury the body on private family owned property or it has to be in a designated cemetery. There are options, that is the point.  Some people are hiring celebrants to perform a funeral ceremony. I actually received a bereavement certificate that taught me how to to help families deal with death and I considered working in Hospice for a while, or possibly becoming a celebrant. (Celebrants are popular in Australia)

Like anything, if you don't know you have options you cannot choose another.  I did not know about this death doula until yesterday. I read a short article written by a friend of a friend on facebook in Ireland that wrote about her husband dying and her deciding to keep him at home privately, being with him a couple of days before she let family in to say good bye.

Then the entire close family rode in the van to the crematorium to participate in an "open cremation" where family members push the body in the oven and push the button.

I don't know what I would do, I would have to think about this and discuss it with children before all this but it is good to know my options. Would you do this instead of a mortician and funeral home?

It seems natural to immigrants that come here from countries that have always done home funerals and burials. The face of America is changing everyday. Namaste.

Starling Murmuration Sited

Science now believes starlings fly in murmurations when predators are near. These formations are hypnotising  watching the precision and unison of the flock.  This collective response to a threat successfully wards off danger.

We humans are like that too. We have more protection when we unite together in positivity and peace.  Nature once again teaches through example if we are still enough to watch.

The dove of peace is the message in this one.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Mistakes will happen, but let's call these "Lessons"

You know I go through each day really caring about what I do, the people I see, and the excellence of the duties I perform and yet in this world, you are only as good as your last performance.  It's good to accept yourself as a human that is not perfect, even Serena Williams loses a game once in awhile, Richard Branson loses a business deal now and then, and these losses may happen again in time. Life has challenges and we have choices. No one is perfect.

Sh*t happens, it is never planned, it not expected, it is not wanted, but sh*t happens.  When it happens you have to explain yourself to someone and if that someone has not accepted that being human is what is...there can be trouble for you.  I made a mistake today at work. An honest mistake but a mistake that caused a little inconvenience but with remedy, all was well.

So when mistakes happen I remember, "Defence is the first act of war."  I endeavor to listen more than speak and accept life as it comes, even if I don't agree with the chastisement, I am learning in my years on this earth to let life unfold before me and be thankful. I am at fault at times, it's ok. I do make mistakes and I can look for the lesson to improve my performance.

In "calmness" I'm learning to speak up on my behalf after listening to the other person's point of view, and accept the mistakes I make and that life goes on.  The universe has my back, and what I may not agree with now I can accept knowing in the near future things will change for the better.  Things always get better as time goes on for all of us if we look for the good, we will find it.

Hey I think I just wrote about this yesterday!  Good reminder for myself today!