Monday, November 20, 2017

Happy Anniversary Quail Writer One Year

One year ago I had finished a Bob Proctor online class about changing my paradigm.  This paradigm thinking was new and interesting and the writing exercise he gave the class was to write a paragraph with your left hand every day for 60 days.  I began writing this everyday and at the end of 30 days I said why should I keep writing his paragraph when I really want to get in the habit of writing everyday for the purpose of finishing my first book, so I began writing the blog that my daughter had set up for me in July of that year.  Writing my blog to practice writing for the first book was more beneficial to me than writing Bob's paragraph. Thanks Bob for getting me started! Thanks Anna fro setting my blog up!

Yesterday my mother called to thank me for the gifts I send in the mail to her.  She says it makes waiting for the mail every week exciting to see what I have sent her.

She:"I want to get you and Charlie something, let me send you money. You both do so much for me." 

Me: "No mother, we don't need your money, we love sending you things you need or want especially now that you are a home body."

She: "You give so much and I love to give to others too. " 

Me: "Yes you are where I learned this from I'm sure." 

She:"What can I give you two then?"

I thought and told her, "To tell you the truth, we have so much stuff that I'm beginning to give things away.  I don't need anything, everything I ever wanted I already have."

She said,"That is wonderful. Did you ever think you would be able to say that in this life?"

Me: "Absolutely.  I fully expected to have it all."

She now waits to read my first book and I continue to write it.  The blog is fun, my mother likes to read it alongside my biggest fan, my Sweetheart.  The world is as it should be to want it any other way is insanity. Thank you Byron Katie.

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