Friday, November 17, 2017

Hope is not the opposite of Fear, The Two are the Same

Why would anyone want to let go of hope?  If you think about it, hope is dealing with a future that is not certain for anyone.  We don't know for sure if we will even be alive tomorrow but we hope we will. Does this hope mean we fear life as it is now? Hope is a religious concept taught by Christianity to be a "Son of God" that hopefully will return one day. When this Jesus comes, Jesus will right all the wrongs we see now, or we hope he will. What if Jesus never comes back? What then?

Much of hope is because we fear the present is not going as well as we would like but the truth is no one's future will change unless we take action to change it. Hoping it will change does not accomplish anything.  There is a daily change that happens naturally, the turning of the earth, every new breath we take, time passing that heals all wounds but only if you let it. You are in control of your thoughts and actions alone. If other people are not living up to our standards it can be exhausting to "hope" they will change to meet our requirements of perfection.

And some people will never change because they don't want to or see the need to change. No amount of prayer or hope on my part can change anyone. If people change for the better it is because they chose to, not my doing.

Fear about us living in the "end times" is not comforting to believe,but accepting life is as good as it can be now brings more peace to any mind.

So what is the confusion when thinking about this?  The current situation if not what we want has to be changed by our thoughts and actions to improve it.  If we sit and hope, we lose power over our life. If we train our thoughts to believe things are good and accept things everyday as they come and believe every day is a stepping stone to the journey we live, then we stop the worry.  The present moment is good enough and we have no need of hope for better.

To be in the powerful position of my life, I have to take responsibility for every facet of it. I like being in the power seat of me.  I can do this through thinking and acting, not hoping.


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