Monday, November 27, 2017

Millennial Entrpreneurs are going to be amazing because they already are...

According to an article by Molly Petrilla 2016 BNP Paribus Global Entrepreneur Report this younger generation is ready to own and prosper in their own businesses at earlier ages than the baby boomer generation. (Baby boomers are considered anyone over 50 years of age) The survey over 18 countries calculates that millennials are worth over $17 billion now.  The future holds promise for much more profits because of technology and these entrepreneurs are entering the business world ownership 10 -20 years earlier than their parents or grandparents.  

The last generation worked to make their profits first and then became philanthropic in their later years.  The new millennial business owners seek not only a profit, but they are much more socially aware and environmentally concerned. Retirement and philanthropic work will come sooner for them.

The world is getting better and each new generation makes it so. So excited about the future for business and the people that own their own business.  Eco-friendly and socially concerned decision makers will make the world a better place.

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