Saturday, November 4, 2017

Death Doula

We have heard of midwives and birthing doulas but now there are "death doulas."

Evidently the death doula helps to make arrangements to have your dead loved one remain in your home. (This was done before the funeral home came into existence.)

One google search revealed a home burial is prohibited in only two US states, Arkansas and Indiana.  Makes me wonder what the heck did someone do to a dead body in those two states to have this made into a law?

It seems you can bathe the dead body, anoint it with oils like Jesus' mother did, wash it, clothe it, and keep it in the front parlor like in Gone with the Wind for viewing.  It has to be put on dry ice to preserve it a few days and then it can be cremated or buried.

There are laws about the casket too, whether it can be homemade or bought.  Laws as to whether you can bury the body on private family owned property or it has to be in a designated cemetery. There are options, that is the point.  Some people are hiring celebrants to perform a funeral ceremony. I actually received a bereavement certificate that taught me how to to help families deal with death and I considered working in Hospice for a while, or possibly becoming a celebrant. (Celebrants are popular in Australia)

Like anything, if you don't know you have options you cannot choose another.  I did not know about this death doula until yesterday. I read a short article written by a friend of a friend on facebook in Ireland that wrote about her husband dying and her deciding to keep him at home privately, being with him a couple of days before she let family in to say good bye.

Then the entire close family rode in the van to the crematorium to participate in an "open cremation" where family members push the body in the oven and push the button.

I don't know what I would do, I would have to think about this and discuss it with children before all this but it is good to know my options. Would you do this instead of a mortician and funeral home?

It seems natural to immigrants that come here from countries that have always done home funerals and burials. The face of America is changing everyday. Namaste.

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